[All Read] Ask The Chief

Day 1,002, 23:49 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Hold on! You mean to tell me you haven't read the latest DoD article! Get there!


"Cork and Whine", formerly "The New Praetorian", and once again "Cork and Whine" is now:

"Ask The Chief"

As some of the more gray bearded eIrish know from an ancient "Meet the eIrish Article" by my e-brother, our own reclusive (and missed) Warrior Poet Kit Fisto I am a RL Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy. This time of the year for us is a joyous one where we have the honor, privilege and responsibility of training and inducting new CPOs into our hallowed fraternity. That said, with today's sweeping (and outstanding changes) to the IDF command, supply and administrative structure in general, I have decided to do for eIreland and the IDF specifically what I can do best;

1. Provide Guidance and answer the hard questions, especially those pertaining to Military Service here in the e-world.

2. Offer insight on my experience gained in (slightly) over one year in eRep tempered against over sixteen years of Active RL Military Service including numerous deployments and combat action.

3. Establish a baseline forum for newer players (and especially the brand new) to ask what they may consider "dumb questions", hear Sea Stories and in general get a new twist on a seemingly simple game that is considerably complex (if you're doing it right) and, as the kids say “Mad Craic!”

The Straight Poop

I can be a caustic fellow. For every Friend I have made in this game, I have have made 1.5 Enemies. I tell it how it is, straight from the hip, and sometimes with a little too much... shall we say, verve. However, if you check my friends list, you would be surprised to know that many whom I have had public beef with in the past reside there. Why? When I am wrong I Roger Up for it and settle it. In fact, I report directly to some of them now as a Field Commander. I am just fine with that.

The reality of the situation is that camaraderie and teamwork walk hand in hand with diversity and conflict. Without conflict and differences all things turn mundane and routine. As I have said before, We are eIrish, and who but us understand conflict and diversity better. We make one hell of a team. When we stop fighting amongst ourselves and face outward against an enemy.

Where do I fit in?

But enough about me, this about you. Think of this as a revolution in military training much like the revolution in New Citizens that Former President Edana Savage instituted in her short noobdom.

I'll end today with a short Q: and A: and encourage our younger players to ask questions in the comments. I will endeavor to answer them in full to your satisfaction and if your satisfaction has not been met, I urge you to call me out or PM/Spam my inbox with complaints!

Q: "Chief, I'm just a marksman Infantry unit with one Q5 weapon (that I saved up FOREVER for) and a couple of Q1’s. My problem is that when I hit the battlefield I get taken out by enemy FM’s before I can say boo! I want to bring the fight to the Capital where I can make a difference (excuse the dramatic fictitious question).

A: “First off, there is no such thing as “Just” any kind of soldier. Every patriot of this Isle is a pivotal part of the process of her defence. Second, Good on you for spending your hard earned gold to defend Eire! Here is what you do…

1. Survey the battlefield. Don’t just rush in guns a’blazin. I know you want to ‘git’some’ and you’ll have your chance. Fight Smarter, Not Harder. Take some time to look at the distribution of tiles. An end run up the middle should under normal circumstances be left to the FM’s and senior members. What we need you to do is SURVIVE! Survive to paint as many tiles in our color as you can before you join the bloodbath. Avoid the enemy until the last moment possible (before log out). Above all though, get on IRC, watch the DoD and follow orders!

2. Only got a little time? Ok. You want to get your rocks off and yell “Éirinn go Brách” at the top of your lungs with your Hand and a Half Sword held High! I get it. That if nothing else is your right as an eIrishman/woman. So make it count, As stated in number one, survey the battlefield. Find that rookie artillery puke hanging out by the capital... now... here is the trick...

3. Get there. Buy a Q1 Helicopter. Yes, a helicopter. They move three spaces per turn. Survey a quick and unfettered route to that rookie S.O.B. whether from the north or south corner and get there… If you don’t have time for the “Painter’s Brigade” then make that hit count. Kill for Eire! (This strategy of low Q helicopter moves works as well for higher ranked players, just remember, if you don’t have the skills, you cant make the kills. That helo is transport only and you are a hovering duck if you encounter an enemy with a good head on his/her shoulders and even noobs with gold saved up.)

"Yeah, that's a suit... but be sure, there's boots on the feet... spit and polish kid, old school."

Until next time, remember…

“No poor bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making other bastards die for their country.” ~General George S. Patton

Fight Smarter, not Harder!

Éirinn go Brách!!! o7

-Field Marshal Donovan Thomas

IDF Field Commander
Party President of Guardians of Ireland
Vice President of eIreland
Minister Of Defence [3]
Minister of Intelligence [2]
Minister of Information
Ceann Comhairle
Congressman for Dublin [2]
CO, Na Fianna
Ambassador to Peru and Venezuela
Vice Party President, Independent Voices
Congressman for Chungcheongbuk-do
General in the Theocratic Holy Army
Most Trusted Politician, Apr, 2010 - Most Acclaimed Publisher, Sept, 2009