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Meet The Irish Tour #2

22 Day 683, 07:48 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello again, and welcome to the second edition of ''Meet The Irish Tour''.
I apologize for posting it later then expected, but due to my RL circumstances I was unable … read more »


37 Day 660, 07:34 Published in Ireland Ireland

Inspired by recent articles, Culture Ranger has decided to start a new community event called ''MEET THE IRISH TOUR''.
Only difference is that this won't be interviewing only ''famous'' people, it will interview ANYONE who wants to be a part of it.

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5 Day 649, 05:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

In today's article of Culture Ranger, I am writing about bards.
Hope you'll find it interesting.

In medieval Gaelic and British culture (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, … read more »

Culture Ranger

6 Day 639, 01:29 Published in Ireland Ireland

Today Culture Ranger is publishing two poems, their authors are our respective colleagues.

Okay, let's get to poetry then, first one:

In blazing Battle,
Blind men die with faith in lies,
The grass covers them.

by [url=http://www.

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South Africa

9 Day 638, 00:46 Published in Ireland Ireland

Culture Ranger's contribution to help SA.

South Africa

South Africa, on the continent's southern tip, is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and by the Indian Ocean on

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