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The words become sword in land of people, ideas become anchor in the open sea, and writing is just a handful of sand in the vast desert. when will life become a riddle?

[DevaJr4CP] Deklarasi, Proker, dan Surat Tantangan

61 Dia 2,236, 08:52 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

Selamat Pagi,Siang, Sore, Malam
May The Force be With You!

Langsung saja, Saya, DevaJr/nadief[/mais informações »

[MoFA] Surat Pengunduran Diri

66 Dia 2,226, 21:40 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Selamat Pagi/Siang/Sore/Malam
May The Force be With You

Kepada Rakyat eIndonesia
Sudah lebih dari 15 hari, saya selaku MoFA telah melanggar kode etik MoFA yang paling sakral, terlibat dalam urusan dalam negeri. pertama-tama saya mohon maaf

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Proxy Wars among TWO members

22 Dia 2,216, 10:58 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Good morning, afternoon, evening, night
May The Force be with You

all of us have witnessed the proxy war in TWO alliance. This is all about war among TWO members undirectly. Why Spain-Portugal War (for example) can be called as Proxy War?
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The Last Empires of CoT : How can CoT be this Weak

73 Dia 2,158, 09:38 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Good morning, afternoon, evening, night
May The Force be with You

okey gays, in our hard time, CoT has suffered in this World War. Almost members of CoT have been wiped by TWO. I can say Macedonia for 6 months, only got 1 Congress … mais informações »

Selamat Idul Adha \O/ [Daging Sapi Inside]

80 Dia 2,155, 10:26 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

Selamat Pagi,Siang, Sore, Malam
Semoga Tuhan memberkati kita semua

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