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Recognizing the efforts of some amazing Americans

6 Dia 616, 10:45 Publicado em USA USA

There are tons of people who have contributed a lot to our war effort, but a few have truly stood out to me over the last few days and need to be recognized for it.

I know in writing this article, I am leaving very deserving people off, this

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The Greatest Colbert War

4 Dia 604, 13:00 Publicado em USA USA

On the>eUS forums (which all eUSA citizens should visit), there has been much discussion on what to call this war and how to help this country.

Both have the same answer -- call this war "The Greatest

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Crisis averted!

11 Dia 596, 17:21 Publicado em USA USA

Earlier today, Robert S. Miller, the congressman from Oklahoma, tried to steal $99,999 of taxpayer money. Congress had agreed to make a donation to Fort Knox Federal Reserve, as is routinely done with the Congressional Budget Office, to help

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Voting Record and Congressional Activity 6/26 to 7/3

0 Dia 591, 18:03 Publicado em USA USA

In my campaign to be Illinois' congressman, I made a promise to publish my voting record and keep you updated of what I've been doing in Congress. This is the first installment of that.

I was assigned to the Foreign Relations Advisory Committee,

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Thank you Illinois!

9 Dia 584, 22:27 Publicado em USA USA

I'd like to thank the citizens of Illinois for voting me into office. I am in awe of the support I received during my campaign. I'd like to thank my opponent crashnct for running a good campaign, and encourage him to stay involved, he has a bright

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