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Gifts,Moving tickets,food for Atlantis

47 Dia 354, 04:21 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

If you need products from Romania ,US and Norway just contact me.
How it work?
1.Check the Romania ,US or Norway's market.
2. Check the price of the product you want to buy
3.Contact me and after I'll give you reply ,send the price of the

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32 Dia 351, 10:38 Publicado em Romania Romania

Propun guvernului eRomaniei sa negocieze implicarea noastra de partea grecilor.Oficial,neoficial....asta e decizia conducatorilor nostrii.Stiu ca ne-au tradat ,dar la modul cum a cazut zidul unguresc eRomania ar putea profita de imaginea creata.

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Apel !!!!

4 Dia 350, 10:29 Publicado em Romania Romania

Zidul se mentine in limita a 9000 de puncte de aproape o ora.Vom pierde foarte mult in razboiul de uzura impotriva Ungariei si a aliatilor ei.

Fac un apel la firmele cu posibilitati financiare sa DONEZE GOLD soldatilor romani care pot darama

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5 Dia 350, 02:07 Publicado em Romania Romania

Inainte sa mergeti in batalie cititi articolul de mai jos pentru a avea o EFICIENTA MAXIMA pe campul de lupta:

Warefare tutorial for Romanians

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Donation for a Resistance War !!!! (Mother Russia)

0 Dia 346, 01:20 Publicado em Norway Norway

If anyone want to help the resistance please make your donation to SoF SO ! Thank you.

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