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Spy ops on Romanians

2 Dia 883, 22:53 Publicado em Poland Poland

Not for no longer a secret, but the terror eWorld belongs to a particular organization ...
As it is not clear how they all this hatred and cruelty with which they ruthlessly is cut with the economy ...

What led "economic hit men" in

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Spy ops on Romanians

3 Dia 883, 22:51 Publicado em Spain Spain

Not for no longer a secret, but the terror eWorld belongs to a particular organization ...
As it is not clear how they all this hatred and cruelty with which they ruthlessly is cut with the economy ...

What led "economic hit men" in

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Spy ops on Romanians

8 Dia 883, 22:45 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Not for no longer a secret, but the terror eWorld belongs to a particular organization ...
As it is not clear how they all this hatred and cruelty with which they ruthlessly is cut with the economy ...

What led "economic hit men" in

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Condolences Poland | Kondolencje Polska | Soustrast Polsko

3 Dia 873, 23:40 Publicado em Poland Poland

Condolences Poland
The death of President Lech Kaczynski, a whole galaxy of prominent politicians and public figures - is an irreparable loss for the Polish state, it is a heavy loss.
Let me express my deep condolences on the loss of people,

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Condolences Poland | Kondolencje Polska | Soustrast Polsko

16 Dia 872, 13:11 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Condolences Poland
The death of President Lech Kaczynski, a whole galaxy of prominent politicians and public figures - is an irreparable loss for the Polish state, it is a heavy loss.
Let me express my deep condolences on the loss of people,

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