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We won the ATO, you rock Canada

3 Dia 1,041, 19:34 Publicado em Canada Canada

A simple story, we had an indo PTO threat based on multis, and you,YOU, canada stopped it. I'd like to take this opportunity and say stop for 5 seconds, and pat yourself on the back. Nikitooo had 10 votes at 10 AM my time, by 5 PM half of those were

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Canada you must ATO now, the Indo threat is upon us

17 Dia 1,039, 18:39 Publicado em Canada Canada

OK so, we know the story and we don't wanna be in eAus shoes now. What can I do?

Well activity is low we know it and filling spots is hard. An Indo PtOer has snuck onto our ballot but how can we fight it. This is how, CitizenB let an Indo PTOer

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Justice Nominations Now

3 Dia 1,035, 22:28 Publicado em Canada Canada

WTF is the holdup, the list has now 3 persons on it:
after 3 weeks we can't get a single nomination and the court is dead, it's been dead for atleast 6 weeks if not longer. We need action and this only takes 1 minute

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Aeriala, kickin ass in Ontario

8 Dia 1,035, 19:10 Publicado em Canada Canada

It's time to kick some ass. Short and sweet ain't it. Long speeches not my style, I'm a doer not a talker, but with my first congress term under my belt you can guarentee on one thing, I was there, I did and I'll go back and kick ass again.


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Aeriala, the smart choice for CPF PP

11 Dia 1,026, 15:30 Publicado em Canada Canada

Platform: Short and Sweet Version

Hard Work and Accessability, it says it all. I don't think there is a person in this party that has had more contact with our membership than me not for personal reasons but for general party interests beyond the

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