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eRepublic of Macedonia

10 Dia 753, 01:18 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

This is not right!
We still dont hawe country.
We want eMacedonia.

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21 Dia 660, 04:45 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

Add eMacedonia


More than 300 people from Macedonia are playing eRepublik. You can see a list of around 100 of us, in previous post. However

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New name

3 Dia 601, 04:39 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

New name for newspaper.
From now on its eEurope Times.

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Честит Велигден

9 Dia 515, 12:19 Publicado em Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

На сите православни верници да ни е честит големиот христијански празник ВЕЛИГДЕН.
Особено големи честитки за православните вернци од Македонија.

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The sun will be born... above Macedonia

8 Dia 499, 09:36 Publicado em Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Two weeks have passed since the Macedonians started inhabiting the New World. Two weeks full of fear... fear of the unknown... fear of whatever awaits in front of us. But there is also hope... hope that a day will come when we will live in our own

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