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Training war with South Africa

16 Dia 3,193, 13:49 Publicado em Japan Japan Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Dear citizens of eJapan,

As you can see, we are again in training war with our dear friends from South Africa. Conditions of training war that are arranged with South Africa are:

- Regions Kwa Zulu Natal and Eastern Cape will stay in … mais informações »

Resource wars (3,089 eRep day update)

5 Dia 3,088, 01:51 Publicado em Japan Japan Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Dear citizens of eJapan,

We, Supreme council of eJapan, want to inform you that we will have these days a lot of battles for the resource wars tournament. We will announce … mais informações »

Training wars in eJapan

14 Dia 2,926, 04:36 Publicado em Japan Japan Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Dear citizens of eJapan,

We, Supreme council of eJapan, want to inform you that we will have these days reset of determination in our three core regions that are in possession … mais informações »

[MoD] Battle orders for day 2,844 - IMPORTANT -

7 Dia 2,844, 03:46 Publicado em Japan Japan Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Dear citizens of eJapan,
MoD Battle orders for today are:

[img][/img] … mais informações »

[MoD] Battle orders for day 2,841 - eTime 12:34 -

6 Dia 2,841, 12:35 Publicado em Japan Japan Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Dear citizens of eJapan,
MoD Battle orders for today are:

For СРБИЈА in Castilla y Leon
[ … mais informações »