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Not on the leather of your sole you should sharpen that knife, but on the harder one of your heart, merciless Jew; there is no other metal, not even the executioner’s axe, which is less sharp and keen compared to your hatred.

[EN] Some sad people out there

4 Dia 773, 06:56 Publicado em Romania Romania

Is not about romanians trap in Crisana or Transilvania is about SAD PEOPLE from Hungary (hungry).

The most interesting tactics to prevent your hungry (Hungary) shame. [img]http://[/img] … mais informações »

A story about us and life / O poveste despre noi si viata

5 Dia 756, 12:03 Publicado em Romania Romania

A story about us and life

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. "What food might this contain?" the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

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7 Dia 750, 05:03 Publicado em Romania Romania

Cati dintre noi sunt interesati si de altceva decat propria bunastare, propriul succes, propria ascensiune, propria masina, propria casa, propriul confort?
Cata ura, cata rautate, cata uratenie aruncam in ceilalti oameni in fiecare zi, cand gandim,

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