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Speedcat McNasty interviews scrabman

5 Dia 660, 20:57 Publicado em USA USA

Just when I was feeling irrelevant I had young Speedcat McNasty come to ask me for an interview. Apparently he was wanting to interview the number one ranked player in each country as I am currently that for Canada (based on XP ... I do not claim to

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scrabman interviews Gaius Julius ...

35 Dia 653, 21:43 Publicado em USA USA

I sat down with Gaius Julius ... candidate for President of the eUnited States and asked him some questions about his vision and intentions for the office.

The funny sidestory

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two princes ... that's what I said now (fight for Cali and Ontario)

33 Dia 649, 22:19 Publicado em Canada Canada

Fight for California and Ontario!
Fight for California and Ontario!
Fight for California and Ontario!

Ah ... how I had forgotten the smell of hate mail from eRep users/voters/etc. Yes, one of my favorite things when I was … mais informações »

vote for me again ... eh?

31 Dia 641, 23:04 Publicado em Canada Canada

I'm running for Congress again (in British Columbia now because it was just liberated). Yes, after 5 terms as Congressman in the USA and Canada (current term - Alaska); 1.5 terms as Party President of the USWP; and [url=http://www.erepublik.

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stop PEACE political invasion!

65 Dia 612, 07:41 Publicado em USA USA

Update: PEACE is using the new Federalist Party of Canada to PTO the Canadian government! There are two ways to stop this. First, get the Federalist Party Candidates out of the top vote spots by voting for other members ... such as Kyle321n … mais informações »