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getting the most out of your gold...

7 Dia 318, 06:34 Publicado em USA USA

Today I reached 100 wellness for the first time since joining eRepublik. I got there gradually but I got there a lot faster than my brother-in-law who has been playing the game a little longer than me ... and he's still working on it. I don't mean

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election day ... and other thoughts

7 Dia 316, 04:53 Publicado em USA USA

Today is the first election day since I've been playing the game. How exciting to be a part of this eDemocracy! The trick is who to vote for? Do you vote for your party? Do you vote for who has been nice to you ... or both? I'm part of the United

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Day 3 and still learning ... earning wages

1 Dia 314, 18:26 Publicado em USA USA

Well, I keep trying to figure out how things work and I'm making some headway. I was offered another job today in the hospital industry and I'm not sure that should take it or not. It offers an additional $0.15 per hour but it doesn't require me to

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Learning more about how things work...

9 Dia 313, 19:35 Publicado em USA USA

I've been trying to learn more about how this world works. I've found some interesting things.

I emailed both the President and the leader of my Political Party and both wrote back and answered my questions. I was wondering if I should join the

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Day two ... I found a job.

8 Dia 313, 10:49 Publicado em USA USA

I found my first job. I'm not sure how these things work and how I was selected for a job in the food industry when I was listed as wanting to work in hospital. But I'm able to earn money now. I'm not sure how I was hired and why someone would want

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