witherd1 - your one and only real choice for CP

Day 1,597, 23:48 Published in Australia Australia by witherd1

As everyone starts heading to the polling booths very soon, I would like to reiterate my stance in this election.

I direct your attention to my goals if elected this term, my last article (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/what-you-can-expect-from-a-witherd1-government-in-april--2000120/1/20) will give you a thorough outline.

My Cabinet listing can be found here (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/cabinet-announcement-for-cp-election-april-2012-1997564/1/20), and as you can see, includes some of the most experienced people in eAustralia, and has a great diversity no matter which Political Party they belong to.

I want to be your next CP, but only you can make that happen. Vote witherd1 for CP.