Why the new World Resources allocation is unfair

Day 1,106, 14:25 Published in Brazil USA by Cavalcanti

I'll try to keep this as simple as possible.

As you may have received in your inbox, admins have created some new World Resources and changed rules about regions' resources. Now, each region will have one and only one high resource productivity.

This mean countries with a lot of regions naturally will have bigger chances to have all the ten available resources. Countries with a less number of regions (more specifically, less than 10) won't be able to have all the ten resources in its natural territory.

Countries like Brazil, Canada, Australia, Argentina and Russia, that are resource-wise extremly rich in real life, are the main injuried by this new rule. Undoubtedly both are countries with a vast natural diversity, rarely can't be found on Top5 producer/exporter list of several raw materials.

Thus, Brazil with its six core regions (which should be either five or twenty-seven, read the PS in the bottom) is limited to have up to six resources only, while Italy, for example, has an area over 5 times smaller than Brazil and has the possibility to have all the natural resources in its whole territory, composed by 19 regions. Austria, about 20 times smaller than Brazil, has more regions than Brazil itself.

Big countries such as the USA or China are ok. They have enormous areas compared to the rest of the world, thus they should have more regions. Brazil, on the other hand, is limited up to 6 resources with its current regions. While we have a huge number of resources in real life, in game they are limited to six only.

How to balance and make regions division more fair?
Our, brazilian, request is clear. Just split our current regions in states/provinces, as you do with most of the countries: China, Canada, United States, Germany, France, India... This way, we will have 27 regions, not as much as the US, but at least it would decrease the discrepancy of area/regions.

OBS: Some people say Brazilians have never asked 27 regions representing each state, like USA, thus making us hypocrites asking these regions just when it sounds convenient for us. That is absolutely wrong. I myself wrote an article more than an year ago asking admins to decide wether they are going to stick with 5 macroregions division or 27 microregions (states) division. You can check my article here: Regiões do Brasil: discussão sobre nomes.

If is there any other country requesting this and their argument is legit (either resource-rich, big size or both) I will fully support them, no matter what alliance they are from.

Split all brazilian regions into states like the US and allow us to have as much resources ingame as we do in real life.
