Why Should You Vote for Wilhelm Gunter?

Day 734, 10:20 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

To see my Platform for Re-Election, click here.

To review my Voting Record, click here.

Here are several reasons why you should cast your vote for me.

1. I was one of the most active Congressmen this past term.I participated in every vote, and I was one of the highest posting congressmen in the Forums.

2. I am a Private in the Rangers, and when I couldn't travel to Malaysia earlier this month due to my congressional duties, I asked and recieved permission to send a proxy in my place.

3. As an Congressperson for Saskatchewan, during this 30 day period, I have contacted via Private Message every single new player who was born in Saskatchewan during my term. In my private message I referred them to the New Citizen Guide put out by Canada's Ministry of Education. I also offered them further advice and help as they requested it. I believe, in this way,I have served my constituents well, and Canada also, by encouraging these new citizens to stay in the game and become active and productive members of our country.

4. I also believe that I have, thus far, put out the most comprehensive voting record of any
congressman this past term. I also included a brief rational for why I voted the way I did.
Also, how many of you knew that Canada gave Switzerland a Q5 hospital? Without my voting record, very few of you would have known that.

I will continue to do all of the above if I am re-elected. All I need is your support!
On Wednesday November 25, remember to re-elect Wilhelm Gunter for Saskatchewan, canadidate for the Canadian Progressive Front.
