Vote Wilhelm Gunter in Saskatchewan!

Day 794, 21:34 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

I am proud to announce that I am seeking a seat in Saskatchewan under the banner of the Canadian Progressive Front. Here's a few areas that are currently hot-button topics and where I stan😛

Hospitals/Fortress Defense Philosphy

If elected, I will continue my opposition to more hospitals being created and placed. If and when the President decides to place a new one, I will vote against it. This is because a population which is evenly distributed among it's regions not only makes it easier to be conquored, but invites the enemy to come and do it. This philosophy, under the current game mechanics, is the only one which will serve Canada well. Before one compares eCanada with other eNations (particularly eEuropean ones), remember that we have only a fraction of their population and many more regions than they do.

New Player Retention

What is the best way to do this? Some suggest more hospitals - Q2 or Q5, arguing that it's an inability to heal after fighting which leads to eNewborns leaving the game. I think it's a red hearing. As far as newborns go, it's not even war. They can't fight until approximately 6 days in. What's war got to do with it, for a new born? (Granted, for a 2 week old citizen, that might be true.)

As business owner, and as a congressman keeping tabs on my constituents, so many newborns die off after having spent only one or two days at work, sometimes never having even taken a job. They don't even know what a eHospital is, or that after reaching level 5 (what's level 5??) they can fight.

No, I would argue that the large infant mortality rate we have is due to a two-fold cause:

1. There is no welcome committee. You may think I jest. I do not. For a game that bills itself as "a massive online social strategy game" (empahsis added), having no one communicate with you can be deadly.

2. There is a lack of information for the newborn. Yes, there is Plato and his tutorial. But it's insufficient. Our government does a great job, probably the best job with the tools it has - the New Citizens' Guide, how to use IRC. These are tremendous resources. But I doubt they are reaching those who need it most. One effort that has achieved some success, is the New Citizens' Registry and volunteer mentors. I have just recently signed up for this. You can too!

Each new employee of mine, when I hire level 0 - 2 citizens, gets a message from me, welcoming them to the new world, provides them a link to the New Citizens' Guide, and I invite them to ask me questions whenever they have one. This helps fill the need for community, and provides information. I have also spent 2 months doing the same thing with new citizens born in my constituencies. The different between what the government does and what the method I use - is that it is someone going to the newborns, not the other way around. I would suspect this makes a world of difference. That's not to say some newborns still don't die; but I would suggest the retention rate is much higher.


I could bore you and lose you with a record of the way I have voted in Congress. If there is a particular measure you are interested in, just ask me. One vote I will share here is the recent one regarding the increase in income tax for iron workers. I voted YES to raise the income tax to 50%. Yes, I understand (and I hope you do too) this measure was meant to KILL THE DOMESTIC IRON MARKET in Canada. It is to increase the competitivenes of the Canadian economy by having all companies operating in fields which can be successful - the domestic iron could never be successful, not as a medium resource.

Although this motion was not proposed by the Prime Minister, he has written a brilliant argument in favour of this motion. You can read it here:

Worked every day of me eLife: 4 Hard Worker Medals
Owner of WG Holdings Inc.
Pv. Rangers
, 1st Division, 3rd Platoon
Editor, The D'Arcy McGee Herald.

On January 25th, Big Moosey says
"Vote Wilhelm Gunter in Saskatchewan!"">