Upcoming Elections and More!

Day 834, 13:53 Published in Switzerland USA by Paul Proteus
Another article from Goodbye Blue-Monday,
This Article will Include three Parts...
1) Who to Vote For...
2) Proteus Labs Presents...
3) Fights Within the Resistance?

Starting with...

Who to Vote For...
Okay, the Presidential elections are coming up, and this is very important, do NOT vote Shaolin! After the failure in Congress, losing the presidency will be disastrous. I, Paul Proteus, vest my support(Which is about as much power as a small mudpie 🙁 ) to JNArno, the true candidate of eSwitzerland! So, I expect all of you to memorize the following slogans, and chant them everywhere 😃
-Vote JNArno and avoid the PTO
-Preserve Against the Foreign PTO, Vote JNArno!
-Stop the Russian PTO, Vote JNArno!
Now these better be memorized by tomorrow evening or else...

You ask for Rhyme to back up my reason? Brain to back up my Brawn (Or random chanting...) Adjectives to back up my nouns, wait, what? Well, why to vote for JNArno Continued...For one, he is a member of the resistance, and definitely NOT part of the PTO 😃 He is experienced and knows what is best for Switzerland, and for the rest check JNArno's paper, I honestly don't have enough energy to write a bio again.

Moving on...
Here is a quick new feature of PROTEUS LABS PRESENT...
The Brain Slug Helmet. Having done tremendous research we at Proteus Labs have found exactly two ways to prevent this parasite, One is using garlic shampoo, which I also reccomend if you can take the smell. Using it, SHM may actually become a Stinky Fish 😛 So will we all...
Anyway, the other, more bearable way is to wear a helmet, so with the help of paint, and Penguin4512 we have finally created an Anti-Brain Slug Helmet design which is guaranteed to deter Brain Slugs!
Here is the prototype:
(For all those who find Metal uncomfertable, click here 😛)
I suggest you minimize this image and put it in the lower left hand corner in your profile pic to show your Anti-Brain Slugginess!
You know I will, and you know you want to 😃

(Proteus Labs Welcomes any improvements by people who can actually use photoshop, PM me!)

Moving on to slightly more important news...
Fights Within the Resistance?
There have been rumours going around that there has been a fight between two key resistance members (There haven't been? Oh, well, I'll debunk them anyway 😃) There have been no "fights" but recently on the IRC, JNArno and Stranger Here Myself got into what Stranger called "the Sharpest of Clashes So far..." between Resistance members. This happened when JNArno informed SHM that Walther Rathenau would be his Minister of the Economy. SHM then declared that he would not work with Shaolins, and turned his back on JNArno, vowing to not support him while Walther was in his cabinet. Then, after much "friendly" debate, JNArno gave in, citing that he needed Stranger's support, and oh so wanted him to be the Minister of the Interior. SHM then felt "ashamed" and proposed a compromise, so, the members of the resistance are voting on it right now! I felt obliged to not vote considering if Walther is voted against, I may no longer be vMoE if you know what I mean 😃 You can read SHM and JNArno's statements about the matter at the Swiss Resistance forums.
Another Interesting Note- Shaos can into Czech Republik, I heard Prague is nice this time of year 😃

So signing off, your Congressman, Bad Journalist, and head of Proteus Labs,
Paul Proteus

And remember, this is Swiss Cheese Propaganda
(The War is On JNArno 😃)

And here is some more anime, not because I particularly like it, but because eSwitzerland is getting boring without it (And it gets my article votes 😃)

By the way, a shout out to Ilestis and Cooldude, Nice new avatars, Still, I miss the ferrets, ah well, can't have everything 😛

And, for your troubles
http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/42.gif">Life, The Universe and Everything<