The Challenge: Survival Tip #6

Day 2,256, 07:22 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Following up on Pat Harper's Spanish Occupation Survival Guide, I thought I would use his tips to comment on our current situation.

Survival tip #1. Stick Together.

Because we are a small community we should be doing this all the time, not just when we are under threat of a wipe. My challenge to you is to reach out to those you see being critical of your actions or your writing. There is always a reason why people react the way that they do, try to understand why and by engaging people you stand to learn a lot.

Those of you who keep track of the Administration of Canada will notice that a Presidential Impeachment was proposed. I think the main bone of contention here is whether or not our President has been active enough until now and can be active enough while finishing his term. This is an important vote as it is the last one this Congress can attempt before we see whether or not we get completely wiped. If Congress votes down the impeachment and IBB is not physically able to return to active duty we will have kept for ourselves a huge liability.

I for one have not voted yet. I'm trying to wait as long as I can to see if IBB will address Congress and Canada and let us know if he can in fact continue in his duties. I don't believe there was any malicious intent in any of his decisions so far and I think a lot of what has transpired is a matter of (bad) timing.

Survival tip #2. Set Aside Political Rivalry.

This to me is an easy one. If, as a political party, you have an agenda as Canada burns... we will all be worse for wear. If the wipe we are about to suffer is a short term one, then there will be plenty of opportunity to snipe at each again soon. If we are in for the long haul... none of those agendas are likely to stand the test of time.

As a member of the CPF, I recognize that military acumen and experience of a party like the MDP. I welcome and encourage their leadership as we deal with this ongoing war. There is also a lot of talent and leadership in parties like the CCP, PFC and TMS. We will need all of that experience going forward.

Survival tip #3. Stock Up.

This gets more difficult as bonuses are lost but the key is patience. Stay informed with what little is being published in the media. Look to your MUs and Parties for direction. Saving a few guns and food today might not seem like a big deal but it can have an appreciative impact down the road.

Do the minimum until a general call to push hard is made and we will all be better off.

Survival tip #4. Write.

Media is community. Writing, even when people disagree with you, is a good way to keep people engaged. It is also crucial to younger players who may not have the relationships some of us older citizens have developed over time.

If you are feeling bored or isolated, try reaching out. It is sometimes amazing what stringing a few sentences together can do for you and your sense of contributing to something. In a social environment like this one, words are critically important.

Survival tip #5. Don't waste damage.

None of you need me to tell you that we are facing an opponent whose alliance can bring to bear an overwelming amount of influence. Be disciplined and again be patient. You may be tempted to lay that extra damage because you are chasing that next experience milestone or weekly reward... don't if it is unnecessary. A week, a month from now that little extra reward will mean nothing. If you claimed it or if you didn't will have made no difference. However if you saved damage in one round to apply it to another, it can be a difference between victory and defeat.

Know that no matter how bad things get, we will never be completely alone. Watch the battles and battle heroes in our fights. Reach out to those you see pouring resources into Canadian fights. Thank them. Little gestures like that cost you nothing and can go a long way to establishing meaningful networks of support later on.

Survival tip #6. Grow the Community.

It is hellaciously difficult to grow the community in the best of times, nevermind at a time of chaos like this. But this is my personal challenge to each and everyone of you; try to convince just one other person to commit to coming to Canada. Barring that level, try to convince one other person to commit their influence to Canada when the call goes out that we need it.

For those of us that have extensive personal contacts, reach out to MUs and MU leaders. Talk to them and see if there is enough common ground to get them to fight on the same side as us.

When faced with overwhelming odds, sometimes the only solution is to back to the grassroots.

Be inclusive and find ways to integrate new arrivals to Canada. A community that can accept new voices is one that will stay dynamic and has a greater potential to thrive together.

Lastly, please keep your eye out for the new players. Actively seek them out and motivate them. There are no greater resources than human capital. Treasuries, bonuses, gold... all those things are replaceable. People are not.

Don't let young citizens stand outside in the cold.