Singapore and Dio as one

Day 1,076, 11:24 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace
Dear Singaporeans,
I come before you today as your President declared /v/irginization on your land.
/v/irginization is a descion that comes from the people but is official only when the CP accepts and here we have a holy CP before us who has made this holy move.
Singapore signs today an endless agreement before Dio, Singapore will forever be Dioist and it shall be side to side with all the other Dioist countries:
Pakistan, The United Kingdom, Brazil, Portugal, Malaysia, Russia, Bulgaria France and soon to come Colombia.

Singapore will be Dio, and Dio will be Singapore.
Once this little Island was part of disgusting empire of the
Great Wig but now after /v/irginized and cleaned by your amazing country president
your country is now clean.

From today Singapore, your holy priest shall be Arbryn, she will lead you to holiness and gloriousness.

May Dio bless Singapore, and may Dio bless the Holy Land of /v/akistan!


Collinar, /v/irginizer of eMalaysia and 3 times Minister of the Dioism in /v/akistan.

Be holy join the 300, the official Dioist army!