PEACE Grasping For Straws

Day 714, 16:17 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon">

Not long after PEACE was pushed out of North America the leaders of PEACE began to focus their efforts on a different part of the globe, eastern Europe. Two major fronts have broken out, one in Finland and the other in Croatia. Russia also tried to make a move on Alaska to continue the war in North America. PEACE has won a few battles but most of those wins were due to the fact that the other side retreated and so far PEACE has been dominated in their new offensive quests.

The largest front of the war had to be the one in Croatia. Serbia, Hungary, and Slovenia all teamed up to attack Croatia in hopes that the three pronged attack and the strength of Hungary would be enough to take out a key rival of PEACE in the Balkans. Unfortunately for PEACE they activated 14 MPPs and the Croatians took advantage of that to fend off PEACE on all fronts. This attack gives Croatia a huge advantage in the long run since as long as they don't attack any of those three countries or declare peace they have a large stockpile of near permanent allies who will be able to help out. With the cost of MPPs going up to 100 gold this will save Croatia a good amount of gold and give them an extra level of protection.

Another major front is the war in Finland. This war has been active since the middle part of the hundred days war, however now things have heated back up. At first Russia was able to take the region of Oulu, Latvia also jumped in on the action and managed to take Southern Finland. After these two losses the Finish started to retreat, this is likely an effort to reduce PEACE's borders with Finland to just one. With PEACE having only one region to attack PEACE wouldn't be able to launch two attacks at once and they would be forced to win the current battle if they want to keep the initiative. Currently Finland is handling themselves quite well in Western Finland as they have already fended off the Latvians and are holding their own against the Russians. The war also activated 6 of Finland MPPs which should help them out later.

Russia tried to continue the war in North America by attacking Alaska again. President Gaius Julius though, wanted none of that and retreated the region that America had just regained days ago just as soon as the Russians wasted quite a bit of damage. Russia gained a key region but they weren't given much time to advance further since Canada launched an attack on Russia soon after. The battle lasted only six hours before the Russian president retreated, eliminating Russia from North America once again. The region will likely be returned to the U.S. soon and the U.S. will have the chance to invade Russia again with more MPPs then ever before. While many Americans support a counter offensive into Russia as a form of revenge it is also worth noting that once we attack Russia we lose the MPP edge we now posses.

I hope you enjoyed today's article. Despite these few battles I would still say the majority of the war is over so long as the Americans and Croatians don't counter attack. These updates won't be daily anymore since the war is over for the most part but I will still try and get a wrap up article out every two or three days.