Lions and Tigers and Serbs, Oh My!

Day 1,519, 17:20 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.
- H. L. Mencken

Not that I'm implying that the NCP is a circus but... I am beginning to truly feel like I am the head monkey and I'm running the circus from my cage.

Oh mah goodness, what a mess

Holy cripes people, is this really correct? I got a text message today from a certain former Party President of this party claiming that it was party policy that its Congressmembers let in Serbian players upon demand. In the same conversation he also claimed that it was the party's objective to push for an MPP with Serbia.

Now let me state, for the record, I'm quite certain that Serbs are nice people in real life. I am not a racist nor a nationalist (despite being a monkey) and nor will I discriminate against people for whatever reason, be it national origin or skin color or religion. That's a strong belief I have and it's one that follows me into the game of eRep.

However. eRep ≠ Real Life, despite the best attempts of the Wigs to exploit real life tensions between nations.

Last I checked, Serbia and Hungary were the two powers in the game with whom the USA has never cooperated or allied. For as long as I can remember we have battled against Hungary and Serbia. Epic trolling articles were written during WWII and Eugene Harlot himself said before the release of v2 that the only reason he was sticking around and still playing eRep was for PvP battles so he could "stick a steel-toed boot up Grakulon's butt."

This is such a serious topic to many that I am forced to change the configuration of the circus rings and what acts go where and when.

New Party President, New Circus Direction

Finally! A circus act that impresses!

This is going to piss people off, but here goes:

To run for Congress under the NCP banner you must meet the following requirements:

1. Have signed into the NCP party forums ( and show activity;
2. Either have no connections to Serbian players or have been cleared by either Congress (IES) or the President;
3. Have renounced the "stated previous policy of the NCP to give Serbian players US citizenship upon demand";
4. Have not been banned, censured or expelled from the Congress boards at the eUSA Forums (

There is no other way for me to react to this news. The NCP must conform to the national security policy as set by the President and the National Security Council. It is my job to ensure this happens.

Next up in the Center Ring, it's the Executive Committee!

If you have an interest in helping to run the party, sign up to be on the Exec Committee at the party forums. Currently the following party members have expressed an interest:

Omar Dandan
Jason Welsh
Pierce Vaughn

We have room for maybe eight to ten members. The Executive Committee will handle all aspects of party direction so head to the forums and volunteer!

Remember NCP, Lean to the Right!