International relations in maps

Day 1,318, 09:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Danie Fox

(I took Emerick's newspaper name just to piss him off if you're wondering)

For those of you who can't be bothered to trawl through (currently broken) MPP lists and wiki pages, here is a guide to how international relations appear at the moment. Red shows direct hostility, green is for important allies and the other colours are just a scale inbetween. Blue is for the country/alliance being shown.

If you want to see it bigger right click and 'view image'.

The UK:

UK foreign relations. Notice how varied relations with Terra members are. I was tempted to make Germany a bit paler due to our MPP with Sweden.


Terra's foreign relations. I left the UK yellow as whilst we have MPPs with many members of Terra, such as France and Japan, we are also at war with Canada and dislike the US.

As I don't want RSI, I skipped out doing an individual map for EDEN and ONE, and instead did one map for the entire world.

World alliance map

Red is ONE, green is EDEN and blue is Terra. Dark red is ABC, a ONE affiliated alliance, and paler colours show countries with good relations to a certain alliance. The UK would be orange with a bit of pale blue but that looks odd, so I just left us yellow.


PS: If you need help understanding anything, take a look at the articles through here.