Hows the first month of a Congressman in eIreland ?

Day 913, 07:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Paschoall
Hello dear eIrish man and women ? How are you doing today ?
- I'm hoping for Healthy 😉

Anyways, I decided to change the name of my Newspaper to "Ceteris Paribus".
Cēterīs paribus is a Latin phrase, literally translated as "all other things being equal or held constant". Witch translates what eRepublik is to me quite well, since there aren't many variables in game, but still enough to make it exiting ! Hopefully v2 will boost that up some more.

Let's get to the Article itself now.
Today I'll talk about how was my first time in Congress and hopefully you'll be voting for me again into The Dail !

1 - Deciding to Run

I thought "well, I don't know much of RL politics or eRep politics, but I do know some RL economy stuff... let's explore that in the game and hopefully I'll learn how eRep economy works better if in TD ...". I talked to my Party President (LordoIrish at that time), and he suggested me to run from Shannon. So I did it after he cleared out all my questions about becomind a Congressman. Spent arround 12 Moving tickets to get my voters together and myself !

It worked !!! yey !

2 - I won !!!

I was so happy. I woke up 7am that day to check if I had or not won the elections. I did !!!
And I also got a Hard Worker Medal that day, witch made my day even better !

My first reaction ? PM everyone !!! Party President, my "mom" Irish Princess, who tought me how to eat, fight and be eIrish in general, I PM'd president, I PM'd a few congressman ... I wanted information on what should I do now !

3 - Allright, now what ?

Eventually I got the answers I needed. Most came from the master Kolshire and Orangejuicemmm was there also to support me in that beggining.
Got registered at the Private Dail section ... spend the rest of that day reading it.
I learned that beeing on IRC is fun, and from that day on I was to be found there quite often ...

4 - Routine

TD routine isn't the most exiting ones arround, I gotta admit. But I was there in the eIrish forums everyday. IRC also everyday ...
Voted every single law proposal out there. I've questioned people either by PM or forums on those law proposals
I stated my opinions at ALL subjects in the Public and Priva Dail - In the beggining, most statements were "what do you mean by that ?", "how does this work ?" , " how much does this cost us ?" , " I think / I don't think we should do that because ..." and so on,
but as time passes by, now my coments are becoming more meaningfull ...

5 - Presidential Cabinet - Minister of Health

I know this has nothing to do with beeing a Congressman, but I get the feeling that It was definitelly I plus on the nomination of me becoming the Minister of Health under Patton's 5th (it's the 5th, right ?) presidency term.

At first the same exitement from becoming a TD was arround. PM'd lots of people.
It was a little hard at first to figure out how Finances work out in eIreland, where should I go for this, who should I PM for that ... What are my duties and stuff like that. I really put myself into that!

Althou beeing a Minister of Health required a little less time than beeing TD in the beggining, once I got used to that I found myself spending much more time with MoH duties than with TD. But that sure has been rewarding.
You can see some partial results on my MoH term here.

*I've flagged over 250 hours online for me this month ... o.O

6 - Rewarding ?

HELL YES. I suggest trying to be an eIrish Congressman for EVERY ACTIVE AND PASSIONATE player out there. You will learn lots about game mechanics, you'll make a few friends and even fewer really good ones, you get to state your opinion on things and people tent to care about that, you'll get to help your eCountry, and guess what ? you get a medal for that !!! - Ain't that amazing ?

And I suggest beeing Minister of something (or deputy...) to everyone that actually have succeded on succeding as TD (or with other in game mechanics things...) AND has got some nice spare time to be very dedicated to the couse.
It is very rewarding to do what you're asked to, and actually get thanked by doing so.

* I became eIrish embassador of eBrazil and ePortugal too recently. Wich should be kinda weird, since those are Phoenix nations and thus don't like us very much.

7 - Am I running again for Congressman ?

You bet'cha !!!
I'll be running for Cork and Cerry this time thou.

I'm really hoping for your support on this as I've learned lots this month, but I'm sure there is so much more I can do. And I intend to do a few things such as :

- Supporting IDF
- Suporting Fair taxes for both New Players and eGovernment ( you wouldn't belive how much we need taxes o.o )
- Not atcking Northern Ireland At the moment. ( This may be controversial for some of you, but we would have to spend arround 80g to atck that land and that would trigger UK MPPs wich are not really desirable right now in this World War V context, and that eLand isn't worth much in gold since there are few players, few companies and no Raw Material value...)
- Voting for the Best MPPs possible
- Improve even more relations with our Brolliance
- Be very very very active and hopefully tutor new players and generally help them out with advices.
- Eventual economy studies on our situation
- Take accurate decisions based on facts
- I'm not that big of a risk-taker, so I support conservative and steady measures.
- Everything an REAL Congressman should do*.

*Not like more than 40% of the elected congressman for last month who haven't even shown their faces arround forum, IRC or anything really. I so wish I had the powers to speak out who you fellas are so nobody would vote for you ever again !!!

________________________________________ ______

This is it for today fellas.

- If you need Gifting advice or even gifts itself, read Health Minister SO's Articles here.

- I love chatting so hop up on IRC or simply PM me to see what I'm up to 🙂

- please vote and subscribe to my newspaper 😉

- Remember : Vote me up in Cork and Cerry in the Upcoming Congressman elections.
(PM me if you need moving tickets for that...)

Minister of Health
Irish Embassador for eBrazil and ePortugal
IDF's Artillery