Day 1,868, 05:14 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Send love to Plato

December 31st and we sit in the eUK just hours away from ushering in a new year, a new year hopefully with better relations and a stronger eUK. It was just a short week ago that the country was united in one goal - to conquer the last remaining region held by Portugal to help our allies.
We fought as a country and for that time was strong, there was an immense feeling of togetherness without any 'Bawwing' accusations or name calling.

We hope 2013 will usher in more of the above.

Sunday December 30th was the day the major parties of the eUK held a brief summit to accomplish a lasting peace, it wasn't groundbreaking in terms of it's outcome but what it did show was that we could hold a civil conversation in IRC without it descending into chaos. It was the first in, hopefully, a long series of steps towards a more unified country. New Era welcomes that and we will be more than willing to work with all parties in the future so we can finally have our foes worrying about the eUK wiping them, and not the other way around.

Anyway, we hope you have a great night tonight no matter where you are spending it and have fun. Please drink responsibly (Just joking!) and stay safe. So all that remains to be said is - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

To join the revolution of the eUK you can join New Era by clicking this link and get involved. Or you can now visit our brand new website here. Support New Era by signing up to the forums and helping us create our own party section there, you can do so by going to - http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/

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