An Epic Conclusion, Too unbelievable to Imagine

Day 714, 13:51 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

My friends, today I bring you unbelievable news. When you read it, it will make your insides turn to jelly, and possibly make your entire head explode.

Still want to find out? Well then read on.

In the past few days we have all witnessed Peace go on another assault, with the primary target being Croatia. They called in attacks from as many puppets as possible.

Of course, Eden won.

But that is all old news, and today I will tell the most unbelievable story that you have ever heard in your entire life!

Let’s look at some maps, which closely detail the epic battled which have unfolded over the past 100 days.

First, North America

I’m sure you all realize that this map is overloaded with data, but don’t worry I’ll help you through it, and most importantly point out facts which are useful.

Well, we can see that…
UK fails
Portugal fails
France fails
Hungary fails
Indonesia fails
Iran fails
Russia fails.

Brolliance wins
Eden wins

Now I know many of you may be wondering just how I managed to get all of that, from just that map. Well, as soon as I saw the UK flag I thought to myself
Well, that’s a failure
And once I saw the X’s through the other countries, I figured that they also failed.

Do you get it? Good. Lets look at another.

Now, normally I would have told you all to cover your eyes, but I covered the entire UK with a smiley, so instead of a feeling of fail when you look at it, you get a feeling of happiness. You can thank me later 🙂

So, have you looked at the actual map yet? Or are you still staring at the smiley, and wondering how something so beautiful could be covering something so bad? Oh well, just look at the rest of the map.

Now, let’s point out what this map tells us.

Brazil fails
France fails (again)
Hungary fails (again)
Serbia fails
Latvia fails
Lithuania fails
Turkey fails
(I should also mention that I was going to put Slovenia as a fail, but the country was too small to have a flag on it)

Poland wins
Spain wins
Greece wins
Croatia wins

Are you still following me? Great, just one more map to go!

On to Scandinavia!

Once again, I have covered the UK with a smiley, but you’d better watch out, the red X doesn’t completely cover the UK’s flag.

Well, we can see that…
Russia fails (again)
UK fails (again)

Sweden wins
Finland wins
Norway wins

Now, I’m sure I have you all wondering “ But why are you showing us this?

Well, there’s a very good reason behind all of these maps. What is it? Brace yourself, because here comes the unbelievable news…

Yes, Pakistan is the reason.

Pakistan is the reason because they are the real superpower of Peace.

Why you ask?

Because, they haven’t failed yet, the one of the last Peace countries to do so.

Therefore, they must be all-powerful.

India, you’d better watch yourselves, you have a hidden superpower at your backs.">