[Wold] Updates & the Like

Day 1,225, 06:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

What-ho, eUK Citizens and nosey foreigners reading this article.
(scroll down for glory)

General Updates

This government has so far quietly yet surely completed several domestic tasks and secured a handful of brief training wars. You would have noticed that recently the training war with that wonderful country Canada is coming to an end and I would like to thank them for keeping us fighting for the past week.

For now our damage will remain where Terra prefers it, in France, where we can hopefully provide the edge against those pesky hostiles. It is unlikely therefore that we shall see another direct war this month, but I am doing my best to get us involved as best we can, (Terra permitting).

If that doesn’t quite float your boat then YOU ARE ABOUT TO EMBARK ON A WEEK OF JOY as the MoHA is beginning Monarch week!

Monarch week sees a week of games and cash prizes that anyone can participate in. Just hop over to the forums, make a post or two and you could find yourself 10g richer. More info will be released via the Home Office paper shortly.

It’s so easy!

More Joy

Some Newspapers for you

If you haven’t been following our domestic orders, it is essential that you subscribe to the eUK Home office, who every 2-3 days have been publishing the Uk Today. That will keep you updated on events such as Monarch week and offer a brief roundup of the weeks news, the perfect paper to follow if you don’t have the time or ‘cbf’ness to trawl through the news to find what is relevant.

Another paper you should be subscribed to, (apart from this one) is the MoD news where our public orders are posted daily.

For a more in depth look at recent battles, this guy’s paper has been releasing some great informative articles that can help eUK’ers stay up to speed with the fighting that goes an around the globe.

Still not interested? For notes on a scandal click here. I would like to clarify one thing, which is that these allegations are entirely false and insulting.

I would never stay at a four seasons.

Artists interpretation of Holiday Inn’s presidential suite

Notes on eReligions

Those of you don’t know what Bobloism is simply haven’t reached enlightenment yet. But don’t worry, everyone does eventually.

Recent events have again caused me to assert ingame that Bobloism is the state religion of the eUK.

It is therefore the provider of the divinely ordained social hierarchy of the eUK and the means by which the Royal Family take their place as God appointed rulers. As the royalty preside over the country, keep things in check and generally emanate awesome, as well as preside over government (non-officially) Bobloism has a direct relevance to the United Kingdom’s ingame presence.

I just thought I should point that out, it’s nothing to do with people being reluctant to validated said divinely ordained presence on the wiki.

Other Stuff

It is again approaching that dire time of the month where people come and say that they are running for president, well..

I am re-running for president.

I have a bucket load of experience, that is too long to list so if you have a genuine interest check out the ol’ Wiki.

As I am kept busy in the cabinet offices, I shall publish a manifesto closer to the 5th. I will largely be building on my previous manifesto, addressing successes as well as what can be developed, by our own initiatives and by grappling with the constructive criticism of my peers.

My aim, to have a truly fun term.

That and to deal with some, unfinished business.

In Ireland


Thanks for reading.

(Battle hungry Monarch)

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