[UKGov]UK Today - Day 1,358

Day 1,358, 14:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
Good Day and welcome to issue #6 of the New UK Today!


It's been a while since the last UK Today was released, but that's all changed. Expect to see this paper every 3 days! If you don't want to miss out, make sure you vote and subscribe.

Well, it's a new term so first of all a congratulations to Thorrold for winning the CP elections by over half! A new CP also means a new MoHA, so we now need to fill our vacant jobs. For those who haven't been on the forum here are the kind of people we want:

People working here will help out with messaging the population, censuses and contact new players helping them get started. I'd like to see as many people join this department as there has been the past few months. This should be a bumper month for PMing this term. This is one of our largest departments, and one that I know many get burned out on. We'll be looking to do some neat stuff with this to try to make it more fun, such as XBL nights, competitions for who can message the most people (with rewards and titles), and who can be the most helpful.

This department will be running different kinds of forum games, forum awards and similar things. Obviously, you're supposed to entertain the citizens! You'll also be possibly helping with some XBL/PS3/PC competition AND coming up with even more games and ideas to do.

Finally we have the Education department. This is where your wiki and article writing genius kicks in! Post for this is you want to help new players understand things better, or even mentor them yourself in our mentoring Department! It's great that we have a way to recruit them, but if we can't teach them it's pretty Betafoxtrot. This department is the one which will lead our new players to become the next Iain Keers! They'll also work along side the MoTech when we attempt to get the government site up and running and they'll help to maintain that.

UnderMinister of ????
This is a secret job posting! Only post for this if your name isn't Woldy (huahue), and you want to have a little fun! This will be a month long job, as we look to re- I mean continue on herding peasants. Who wants to whip Irishmen, steal their wimminz, and overall just do something new?!?!?

Remember, we need all the help we can get so PM Betafoxtrot with your application!

- If you're a new player and you're trying to get your head around the game, maybe you have a question you'd like answered, and would like some friendly advice, fill out this form and you will be contacted shortly.

- Project Library is still going on. We need people like you to help us write some helpful guides for new players and those who are just plain confused with this game. And if charity doesn't float your boat, the best contributors will get prizes!

To find out what you can do to help, just follow the link here.


Remember to keep up with the Military news by reading and subscribing to the MoD newspaper here.

Keep an eye out on all the other government articles by subscribing to them using the links below.
Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [UKGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

The Prime Minister will make most of his announcements in the Announcements section of the Forums which I strongly advise you read, however it is still important that you read his paper when an article is released.

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

If you want to get ahead in erepublik and learn how all the exciting modules work check out our wiki tutorial!

MoHA Guy