[MoD] UPDATE - Many thanks to our allies, especially Poland

Day 2,569, 06:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

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Ministry of Defence December 2014

Ser Fartsalot

It is a cloudy day with many planes in the sky. We need your help, citizens of UK, to bring them down. ArcanicMindje, the Evil Duke of Netherlands and their Supreme Commander, Brick Tamland, appreciate your assistance and so do dignitaries in Belgium, most famous among them Chris1983.

We bring you these disturbing videos from the combat:

This Israeli drone, resembling a bird, is relentlessly attacking civilians near the city of Ghent.

Footage of a bombardment in Brussels.

Parents trying to save their children from the enemy swarm.

Help us save the children of Belgium!

Finished Battle Priorities
Sunday 13th Dec @ 23:59ERT

Prio 1: Fight for the UK in London battle over, 78-83, thank you Poland for bringing this back from 0-55!

Prio 2: Fight for the UK in East of England battle over, 83-6

Prio 13: Fight for Chile in Pacifica battle over, 16-83

Prio 14: Fight for our friends in Belgium battle over, 83-0

Prio 25: Fight for kimi and david (Switzerland) battle over, 83-0

Good job so far! It's a complete, total and utter failure by UK hater and military simpleton Saiwun, traitor Miranda and piece of trash Faustian.

Fight smart

Damage done in a battle that doesn't need it, is damage thrown away. If it is not needed there, fighting there only serves to waste your time and supplies. Try to fight in one of our priority battles which has the damage under 55%. Use your intelligence - if we have three priorities open, fight in the highest priority where your damage is needed.

Keep up to date and the IRC

Orders are updated regularly on the #MoD channel on Rizon IRC and in this newspaper.

Just check the channel topic in #MoD to see what our orders are.

Direct Link to #MoD on the Rizon IRC channel: http://tinyurl.com/MODwarRoom
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eUK Military Alliance - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/euk-military-alliance-2413484/1/20

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Your Ministry of Defence Team

Ser Fartsalot