Day 2,303, 10:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

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Here is our team for this month!


Mario RIO Smerc

Current Priority's to be updated when needed

MOBILE Pro 1 NEoE : http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/49704 UK RW

MPP Prio 1: Graundben http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/49703 Germany

Explanation: Currently the eUK has alot of thanks to give to our fellow countrymen, our allies and our friends. At the start of this term the eUK had multiple nations fighting us with NE's against us and hitting us from many sides.

As i write this we have managed to Remove France from our lands and the border closed. Finland's NE against us has been removed after their border was also closed. This leaves us with our own NE still aimed at Republic of Moldova and the only Nation we are currently in a direct war with.

I also in conclusion to this wish to thank Congress for the trust placed in once again allowing Crucial Funds to be moved and allowed for placing CO's in battles. Something which we have recently not been able to do. I feel this played a large part also in allowing us to overcome the troubles we have so far.

We are not yet out of the woods. There will be more dark days ahead and more lost battles. But the Path we travel has become that little bit easier due to recent help given by all.

So once more we give thanks to all but there is still more work to be done.

Fight smart

Damage done in a battle that doesn't need it, is damage thrown away. If it is not needed there, fighting there only serves to waste your time and supplies. Try to fight in one of our priority battles which has the damage under 55%. Use your intelligence, if we have three priorities open, fight in the highest priority where your damage is needed.

Keep up to date and the IRC

Please pay attention to the orders in the #MoD channel and/or on this paper.

Just check the channel topic to see what our orders are. Our MoD team can update the bot Teh-EvilCode which resides in #MoD also. Type !cb and you should have up to date information.

Direct Link to #MoD on the Rizon IRC channel: http://tinyurl.com/MODwarRoom
or copy & paste the url: http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23MoD&server=rizon.mibbit.org

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Your Ministry of Defence team