[EA] Fictional Alliance: SHIFT - Part 2

Day 1,761, 20:24 Published in USA Canada by CptKaydee

The eRepublik Apocalypse is coming…

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So last week I presented to you the fictional alliance called SHIFT, the alternative choice for America. I will present to you the benefits and also problems that this alliance would face. But I can say now that the benefits win hands down.


1. Resources
Outside of Europe there is enough regions with all the resources for each country in the alliance (minimum 8 regions for each resource). This means all countries in the alliance could achieve a 100/100 bonuses.

2. No Competition
Currently there is no alliance strong enough outside of Europe to defeat/challenge SHIFT. This is one of the greater benefits to the non-European alliance concept. SHIFT would easily be able to take control of any country outside of Europe.

3. The strongest international alliance
SHIFT would be the strongest alliance in eRepublik. Most countries wouldn’t dare attack SHIFT without risking losing all their regions.

4. Europe?
Now the concept of this alliance is based on staying away from Europe. I myself call Europe a massive drain of North and South American damage that could be used elsewhere. Getting rid of all MPPs in Europe would separate SHIFT from Europe completely.


1. European Threat
Any attack from Europe could endanger the SHIFT rule outside of Europe. For example the Argentine-Bulgarian war got rid of months of work getting bonuses from countries surrounding Argentina.

2. Current Rivalries
There are quite a few countries within SHIFT that hold grudges on their neighbours. For example USA probably doesn’t want to align with Indonesia or Canada. Aslong as these rivalries continue, this alliance will never exist.

3. PTO Risk (For USA Only)
European countries are already hitting USA hard with PTO’s, but if SHIFT were to exist even more PTOers would come to try and “Eurotize” America. But with co-operation with all American citizens the PTOs could easily be fought off as they are today.


I am a strong believer in the non-European alliance concept because of its benefits. It also separates us from their never ending conflicts, especially in the Balkans. So I say give


Best regards,