[CPF] Looking for a Few Good Men...

Day 1,682, 21:35 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

Can you handle the truth? Can you?

Or do you prefer to deal in deceit, propagating half truths and ‘writing’ your own version of events? Do you believe that those who speak the loudest, the most frequently, and in the most aggressive style should be able to dictate what truth is?

If you can handle the truth, then the Canadian Progressive Front wants you. One of our core values is integrity, and our game play reflects that. Consider:

We refuse to buy or sell votes. We believe that this undemocratic behaviour results in political representations which do not reflect the true demographic in eCanada, giving stronger and louder voices to those who have not earned it.

We oppose the PTO of other parties, not because that in itself is wrong (it is), but because it harms the social fabric of our eNation. Ideas and free association are impeded, and what has taken much time to build is reduced to rubble in a day. Come Country Presidential election time, it can - and has been - used as a means of silencing voices which those with power do not like.

Recently, we had a congressional election, where candidates for one party EPIC, were actually agents of another party. This resulted in several being elected under the EPIC banner, and by voters who thought they were voting for EPIC candidates, when in reality, these candidates held beliefs which EPIC found very distasteful (for example, a desire for a dictatorial rule in eCanada).

This congressional majority which the Military Dictatorship Coalition has now achieved – through deceit – is even now proposing in Congress that one of Canada’s Military Units now receive double the funding level other eCanadian military units receive - also in opposition to a CPF core value: the equality of all eCanadian military units. The sad fact is, that with this ill-begotten congressional majority, the members of this dictatorial group can now pass numerous laws unhindered.

If these actions and ideas rub you the wrong way – if you hold truth and integrity to be of importance – even in a social online game such as this – then we believe you can handle the truth, and that you would feel right at home in the Canadian Progressive Front.