[BOK] Formateur news [UPDATE 9: Getting there...]

Day 982, 06:32 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Boklevski

[UPDATE 1: Survey created for PPs to fill, see Step 1 below.]
[UPDATE 2: Added NSFAQ for "fun" and some background information below.]
[UPDATE 3: Updated progress in Step 1.]
[UPDATE 4: Answers are in.]
[UPDATE 5: The next step... update in Step 3.]
[UPDATE 6: Looking into I&W/LSD government.]
[UPDATE 7: Taking form: agreements about an I&W/LSD/3rd party (IP) government progressing.]
[UPDATE 8: Now or never...]
[UPDATE 9: Getting there, we're into the final stages of approving an I&W/LSD/IP coalition.]

As you might have read, I am appointed as neutral formateur. While normally (a representative of) the biggest party leads the coalition talks, a neutral formateur was requested currently as both I&W and LSD have obtained the same amount of congress seats.

Job explanation
My job will be to find a coalition of parties that can work together next month to lead our country. I will do this as neutral as possible, without any prejudices. I will update this article as time progresses to keep you updated on the situation.

Steps to follow
I will stick to the following steps:
1. Contact the PPs bij private message, asking them for preferences on how to proceed (which coalitions to look at first, for example), and asking them about preferences, limitations and requirements that they have when participating in a government.
UPDATE: I have created a survey for the Party Presidents to fill to get an initial idea. For those interested, it can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/UNLcoalition. Oh, and don't bother to fill it if you're not Party President: I have sent them a security code and will filter out any responses without the correct code.
UPDATE 3: At the start of the second day of the (in)formation, he survey had been filled by all parties, except I&W. Representative of I&W has indicated the results should be known at the start of the evening. The survey indicated - up to now - that all parties agreed that I am allowed to share the findings (anonimously). However, to make sure I do not influence I&W's answers, I cannot elaborate about this at this moment.
UPDATE 4: To start the third day: all answers of the survey are in. Although I cannot immediately start my work, I'll will commence with selecting the first coalition to talk about based on the answers end of this morning.
2. Talk to the PPs on IRC.
3. Agree on a coalition to form.
UPDATE 5: The answers are in, the preferences are known. As confirmed by Hans Rienveld (LSD) and Garmr (President), an agreement has been made between them when appointing a formateur to look at a possibility of an I&W/LSD government first. As per agreement, I will look at this and take up - seperately - with those parties to see if they think this possibility might work out. Of course, if one or two parties think this is really unworkable and will block such a coalition anyway, having more detailed discussions would only cost a lot of time.
UPDATE 6: Both I&W and LSD have agreed to start the talks to discover the possibilities of an I&W / LSD / third party government. I have informed the other Party Presidents of this. As soon as the third party is agreed upon, I will include them into it, and send a concept of a program and government based on the survey held.
UPDATE 7: The third party that, based on the survey, suited an I&W/LSD coalition in the first place was IP. Thanks to the survey, I could quickly form a concept for a coalition government and government positions. LSD and IP have agreed on this; I'm awaiting I&W response for the moment. Until I&W's stance is known, nothing is yet certain! However, I felt I needed to inform you all of the progress being made.
5. Fill posts with ministers
6. When neede😛 appoint remaining posts to parties (so they can look for candidates and fill).
7. Announce government
UPDATE 8: Last days, the program and government have been discussed. Still, there could not be made a final go for the government yet, although I&W, LSD and IP are coming closer together every minute. I have given myself this day, Day 987, as last day to complete the government.
UPDATE 9: I have sent the coalition program and proposed government to I&W, LSD and IP. Both LSD and IP have already approved it, while I&W has suggested some small (but important) adjustments. (These adjustments have been incorporated.) The final word is now up to Mitch, who will ask the I&W members to approve or decline the suggested coalition.

The (ambitious) timeline is to announce the government at the end of tomorrow.

Current public input are the articles published by IP (link) and GLD (link) about their members’ preferences for a coalition.

LSD and I&W preferences are not (yet) made public, and will not be disclosed in this article.

Additional information on coalitions can be found in my former article (written before I was formateur).

NSFAQ (not-so-frequently asked questions)
This morning, just after the announcement was made that I would become formateur, Tonie112 asked some questions on IRC. I think it's nice to share the questions and answers with you - mainly just for fun.

Tonie112: What coalition are you going for?
Boklevski: First, I'm going to ask what LSD and I&W prefer and look for. I wish to include IP, GLD and CPNL already early on (basically their requirements to join the gov), and also ask TI and LPD for input. That should give an idea of what the different parties want, and thus making a match would be more easy.

Tonie112: How are you going to make a difference between a coalition led by LSD, and one by I&W, as they both have the same amount of seats?
Boklevski: Good question, Tonie! I don't think a coalition is really "led" by a party, they are doing it together. Ofcourse, the PM spot can be important as that might be perceived as 'leader', but it's really about working together. However, in case we will look at an I&W/LSD coalition, and if both parties really demand to deliver the PM and will not make any concession on that, that would eliminate the possibility of an I&W/LSD coalition, and I'd have to look at another coalition...

Tonie112: I assume LSD wants LSD/IP/CPNL and I&W I&W/GLD/IP, so will it depend on IP?
Boklevski: I am not aware yet of any preferences of LSD and I&W, but we'll have such a starting point as soon as possible. Until then I cannot say anything about it.