Great Grains is (likely) suspending operations

Day 347, 01:50 Published in United Kingdom Romania by 1207941

The grain market is absolutely atrocious. Very little is being purchased by food companies - yet they're still managing to produce, somehow - and the price competition is ludicrously ridiculous. The grain market is completely unsustainable as it is completely over-saturated. As a nation, we're over-producing, and Great Grains is no exception.

First, we have already pulled all of Great Grains's stock of Q2 grain off the market. There's no sense in trying to compete with such an over-saturated market when no-one's buying, especially not at unsustainable prices.

Second, we will fire inactive employees. If you haven't worked in 3 days, expect to be fired.

Third, we have to make a choice, and our employees have to help us make this decision. We will either have to suspend operations completely - meaning fire all our employees - or we will have to cut everyone's wages drastically, likely down to the minimum wage. We will PM you with a link to this article so that you can know the situation, and you can reply to the PM with your decision.

Expect those PMs soon.


REF Holdings