First Update Of The New Government

Day 288, 07:37 Published in Norway Norway by Salve
Part One: Introduction

Part Two: New Ministers

Part Three: Assembling The New Congress

Part One: Introduction

I would like to take this time to introduce myself as the newly appointed Minister of Public Relations. I am proud to have the opportunity to be able to carry on the great initiative that Kim was able to start with this position back in July. I will take time throughout the next month to ensure that regular citizens are kept properly updated on the important issues and progress being made by the new government. Rest assured that whenever you see "**** Update Of The New Government", you will be receiving purely non-biased reporting of the work of this administration.

Part Two: New Ministers

The new ministers of this new government for the month of September that Inunova has [a url=]announced[/a] are as follows:
Minister of Defence : [a url=]Scorpicus[/a]
Minister of Finance: [a url=]Raviel[/a]
Minister of Immigration: [a url=]JaniR[/a]
Minister of Foreign Relations & Trade: [a url=]Forconin[/a]
Minister of Health: [a url=]Oddgeir[/a]
Minister of Public Relations: [a url=]Salve[/a]

President [a url=]Inunova[/a] has also taken control as moderator of the Congress forums for this presidential term.

Part Three: Assembling The New Congress

Currently the Congress is working on assembling all new and returning Congress members to the Congressional meeting forums found [a url=]HERE[/a]. If you have yet to create an account on, please do so as soon as possible. Once registered PM [a url=]Forconin[/a] or [a url=]Cikey[/a] for access to the Congressional forums.

To get a feel for when Congress is approaching being fully assembled we also ask that your first post in Congress be directed to the roll call topic found [a url=]HERE[/a]

-Good luck to everyone this month!
Minister of Public Relations