Finland 1 - 0 Wall

Day 337, 09:31 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Raxo

Today we have seen the first resistance war victory. We also see to my delight a more simple article interface which is nice but still needs more YouTube compatibility. Anyway enough shooting off on a tangent and more looking at the Finish situation.

Eastern Finland
The First region to be freed obviously Norway didn't really have a choice but to let Finland be free. As Finns outnumber them these days. Though it does give us some valuable data on what happens during and after a resistance war.

First of all we see like the Admins said no government in new Finland. This will not be full set-up till after the elections. In 3 Days we should see a Congress form and Political parties spring up. No elected leadership means that Finland will most likely form a provisional government until November 5th. This will run most things until things settle down.

From what I have heard the companies in Eastern Finland are now part of Finland. They even get a export license to Norway for their troubles (How nice.) The main problem I see though is National Currency is still sitting in Norway's accounts. So I hope that is just a bug and the Admins haven't been short sighted. Unless there is a option to restart the currency this might cause problems.

Not enough Data has really come out of this yet to go into further detail. Though it looks like it's always going to be a uphill struggle with these systems in place. Though I suppose it's early days and this will be developed further. The bugs will be ironed out and we can actually use this system with confidence that it'll be a fair war and not riddled with bugs.