Why TEDEN is losing

Day 1,586, 11:00 Published in Romania Hungary by clawy

I have read these days many articles on this subject. Both TEDEN accusations of Bulgarian betrayal, HQ betrayal, or ONE fanboys crawling out of their hols and shouting like Bulgaria turning sides was a long plan that finally worked (no, it wasn't, you just had luck).

I would like to bring out a simple example of what is happening, from my everyday eLife.

In this game, I am long over the whole alliance-country conflicts. It got boring. I am simply playing for the RL meetings, but while doing that, I would still like to stay competitive, maybe the game gets better over time (lost hope I guess). In order to do this, I need to get a BH every other day for my training.

Today, I didn't have much time to select that battle, I was rather busy and will soon have to leave to the birthday party of a friend.

So I picked the first battle I had a change to do this. It happened to be this one: http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/23788
On Norway side there was a little guy with some bazooka hits, so I decided not to take it away from him. On the Russian there were no big hitter, so I went for my medal.

I did the usual stuff I do: 69 food fights, 10 candy figths, wait for another 10 food fights. Before the 10 food fights, I noticed a Russian guy starts hitting too, these one: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1583172 . At that moment Russia had over 75%. He even starts hitting with bazookas, lots of them. I do my food fights, saying to myself if he wants the medal, he can have it, but at least it will cost him a little more.

Then I get a message from him, saying that it is his country, his fight, and he will take away the medal from me, whatever it takes.
I point out it has no sense to do this, he could use those candy bars to help his allies (for example Romania was losing the 2nd battle of Maramures those same minutes, with very little difference).
His answer was a racist comment, and a promise to take my medal in the final minutes.

Well, all of this would most likely be no big thing, if the guy wouldn't be a 16 time congress member, one time president, so most likely a big thing in Russia.

So TEDEN, if you are looking for the missing damage and why you are losing on most fronts, here is your answer. And by TEDEN I do not mean the lousy propagandist or those sitting in the HQ, but at the everyday people who spend hours giving out food to others, or organizing newbies.

As for me, I will do my remaining food fights, go out and have a nice time with my friends. I couldn't care less if I get 5 gold or not under such circumstances.
Norway did turn the battle in the mean time, I just feel sorry for them, I didn't know they were planning on this.

PS: before any ONE fanboy would comment on this, I have a similar article about the then-in-office Spanish president doing the same thing. He did got impeached the next day.