Day 3,488, 17:07 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

No, I do not feel that good
When I see the heartbreaks you embrace
If I was a master thief perhaps I'd rob them
And though I know you're dissatisfied
With your position and your place
Don't you understand it's not my problem

In an effort to demonstrate a new spirit of openness and bro-hood, the horsey regime invited well-known dissident nobody, RF Williams, to toast Herr Driptoast on the occasion of his umpteenth "election" victory. The following is a transcript of the toast delivered by Citizen Williams. The transcript was squirrled out of the banquet hall by one of the many SFP sleeper agent who are salted away throughout every part of the administration. Accept no substitutes!


My majesty Mister Horse-thing Ma'am, horrible ministers and members of the Alt-Right Congress, invented Guests, ladies under gentlemen. I hereby thank you completely... Mr. Dripnose, sir; and also what the Worker-Federalist Thing has done for me and my fellow Nobodies, Animal Lovers, Old Folkies and Socialists who come with me, I say: Yes. Completely.

We have really eaten very much. And now we are fed up completely. And also thanks to you keenly if you would open up from all the windows. Phew! So that those plenty fresh winds can come into lunch too. Yes, thanks. Better now.

Now before I go back to the Free Municipality of Socialist Freedoms with a plane from the straight line of government I wish to invitation you, Sister Dropbox, to come home to the Free Socialists so that we can revenge on you completely. Thanks.

Yes. You will eat a full crow. And also feel up your stomach and walk with difficults because of full stomach completely and such. Even when you want to rest at night, I will make sure that you sleep on top of me in the top up stairs of my commune complex completely. So that you can enjoy all the gravity of fresh, free air.

And so on.

But now am sorry because I have to tell you that I have mad short calls on you only. But next time I shall make a long speech on you to last the whole moon completely. Thank you very much to allow me to unclothe you completely before these extinguished ladies under gentlemen, sir madam sir.

Lastly but not listlessly, I ask the band to play now our international anthem of the global anarcho-syndicalism movement and also is the workers and oppressed avatars international anthem: Power to the People.

And completely sing along too please:

Power to the People. Power to the People, right on!

Right on, right on. Yes. OK. Your majestic horseness, harnesses and what-nots, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the bottoms of all the revolutionary people of these e-United States, the Americas, the Stars, from Infinity, and Beyond.

With this few words I think you Ma'am, Sir. Yes.


Remember what old John Brown sai😛 Don't forget bash the fash, 'cause it's OUR game.

All Power to the People.

We want an end to the robbery. To hell with pig rules.

Remember Compton's Cafeteria, the Stonewall Inn and Dewey's Restaurant.
The first gay pride was a riot.
Never give up.