Day 4,814, 05:55 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Party

Socialist Freedom News Feed - Day 4814
"And I was like, citizen, get on your revolutionary bike and ride!" -- M. Valshannar

To All Who Love Solidarity and Autonomy!
To All Who Welcome the Whole e-World to Play!
To All the Poets, Idealists, Musicians, and Artists!
To All Who Like to Stir Things Up a Bit in a Radical Way!
and To the fighters of all the revolutionary organizations!

The Revolutionary Committee of the Socialist Freedom Party is pleased to announce the S.F.P. Congressional List for January/February 2021. This is a great combination of hardened Congressional veterans, enthusiastic new parliamentarians, crusty old cynics, and principled visionaries.

On January 25th, pull the lever for Solidarity, Community, Internationalism, and a Wildly Diverse Musical Experience!

Vote for the Socialist Freedom Party!!

Here is the team...

- At the top of the ticket, that sexy monster, What A Guy!

- Riding shotgun, the unstoppable shiloh13!

- Introducing sizzling socialist royalty, it's the Countess of Flame!

- "Yo, I don't give a damn what you think", said PimpDollaz.

- Who speaks truth to power? It's the unmovable Franklin Stone!

- Oh, there's one who loves the e-world and everything in it. Yeah, it's Salty!

- Wut? How'd that that crusty old curmudgeon, RF Williams, get in here? Whatever....

- And last but certainly not least, constitutional scholar and honorable gentle-comrade, T.J. SCOTT.

In other news...

As part of the SFP's devotion to developing in-game- as well as meta-science and technology that aim to liberate all player-kind from the earth-bound shackles of crony capitalism and impish imperialism, scientists and visionaries at the SFP Radical Labs have joined forces with the Peoples Theater Offensive to launch a new generation of emissions-free lighter-than-air vehicles.

They are free of all eco-trauma, avoiding the usual traps of solar panels, lithium, helium, hydrogen and fossil fuels. These vehicles interact in holistic and natural way with the e-atmosphere, their lift provided entirely by the hot air generated by good vibes.

Here is a picture of revolutionary scientist-comrade Goxi HN demonstrating one of these amazing devices...

Taking advantage of this technology, intrepid freedom-socialist photojournalist-comrade (and revolutionary royalty) LordOther flew in such a free-socialist-air dirigible over the SFP's secret commune nestled among the forests near Bear Mountain in South Dakota.

Here's a beautiful shot of the never-before-seen eco-friendly SFP complex there...

Vote SFP! Building tomorrow's people-centered earth-friendly e-technology today!!

The SFP is a far-left anarcho-syndicalist party devoted to developing an in-game social ecology of voluntarism, solidarity, fun via an on-going roll out of anarcho-socialist dance steps, like, say, the Demon Dance of Oaxaca, that benefit everyone and shake things up a bit in a good way.

Join the Party --
Check out the SFP Portal --

Also, the SFP is totally bad-ass! Rawr!