Until the last Irishmen

Day 4,480, 01:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by Black Panther I

Today might be the first time ever I won't even bother to use a fancy design. I didn't get enough time to make one for myself, or motivation to waste any of the free time to do it. That's a good description of the current state in Erepublik. Even the man who always cared a lot about those little things isn't doing it anymore.

Last few months have been terrible, not just for Ireland, but for the whole global community too. There aren't many of real players left, most of the fights are automated, you can't even do anything with all the actual new players in the game because the bot armies has taken over air entirely.

When it comes to ground battles it's all about the legend ranks, so in case you had plans to visit few countries, or play in more than one your rank will never be able to get fixed again. One XX legend can do the same damage as the rest of the community.

Ireland is no longer a mid-sized country, last two wars we had has thought us we're back to being among the smallest ones. We only have a couple of fighters and citizens capable of dealing damage. One would hope that the rest of community might at least have the companies, but that'd be a wrong asumption too.

We're now left alone, not because our alliance or allies are bad, but because the game has been set that way now. You can only rely on your own legend, so any aid to the allies is pretty much useless as you'd be wasting your energy. Thank you for that too Plato, helping allies was often a reason why I kept playing.

What's next? Well I believe that several of us, enthusiasts, or addicts if you insist will keep on clicking without some great purpose. Or maybe something comes around that's going to motivated some of us to do some work for the community. If the community will still be here. Which is a big 'if'.

I'd b happy to write articles if there's anyone to read. I'd like be very happy to read some quality papers, if only there was someone to write them.

Anyway, when the eternal optimist becomes a pesimist, you know it's the end soon.