The Way of eRepubik - 0.1.0

Day 5,145, 15:23 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn
The Way of eRepublik - 0.1.0
A Solstice holiday jaunt accompanied by the Socialist Freedom Party choir

“A ‘mistake’ is beside the point, for once anything happens it authentically is.”
-- John Cage

Continuing a most excellent FREE course from the Free University of Phoenix Pfenix Quinn!! --

The Way of eRepublik

This series of instructions on how to play eRepublik may appeal to students for various reasons. Some play eRepublik to build self-esteem, or to attract girls or, as the case may be, boys. Others say they already know their way around massive multi-player social-warfare games and are just curious to see what goes on here.

Whatever your personal excuse reason for coming, there is an ultimate reason we're in this training, one that applies to all who set a thumb on the mouse-entrance of this camp:

We are here to play a good game.

Many students ask, "What exactly marks a good game? A Jack-high straight flush? Shirov's jaw-dropping bishop sacrifice? Deploying a Dire Pigeon (unaligned) as a minor annoyance in a D&D adventure? Marco Van Basten's goal in the 54th minute of the 1988 European Championship final?"

Playing good eRepublik is all of that. It is the divine spark within us. The cry of a child and the howl of a wolf, transcending language and culture. It is the dance of life itself.

It's not enough to simply find your means to play good eRepublik. You must dig into your play until you reach its very source. This is the challenge of the Way of eRepublik. Your play is the source of all play. Digging into its source means learning to appreciate every aspect of play -- yours and all the other players' -- both as a distinct thing and as a part of the One Great Game.

If you stop feeling the game within you, then you are sure to lose the Way.

If you are ready to proceed, here is the entire method of the Way of eRepublik. All you ever need to do is this:

1. Wear your white belt.
2. Log in to eRepublik.
3. Harmonize with the flow of the game.
4. Play.

Dedicate yourself to understanding the true meaning of these 4 steps and you are sure to find the Way of eRepublik.

Walk the path as far as you like, for as long as you like. But never lose sight of the beginning. In the end, you want to return to the openness of the white belt. Approach the game with detachment. Try less.

My own thing is in my head. -- Jimi Hendrix

NEXT TIME: Start by forgetting everything.

Yours in peace, love and e-friendship,