Day 608, 16:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

FROM THE BATTLEIELDS OF IRELAND – WE SHALL STAND TALL, FREE and INDEPENDENT! Citizens and Soldiers of Ireland. Vote up, sit back, and hear my answers to all of your recent questions. It may take a while .

The Irish Department of Defence would like to announce our current state of readiness, and preparedness, to survive the changes going on in the world war which rages around us. Every country is in a state of flux, as nations battle for territory, sovereignty, resources and supremacy.
Is Ireland cowering in the shadows? NO.

We are a proud, independent nation, whose neutrality has won us many friends and supporters. Every e-citizen’s conscience and allegiance has been brought into question by the current events. World-wide, exiles and the dispossessed roam the e-World to seek a safe haven and a new start to allow them to re-build their lives.

This will not happen to us.
We have NO FEAR of our neighbours, and we respect their government’s decisions to run their own countries as they, and their citizens see fit.
Just as we will.

Our current policy reflects the specific events which confront us TODAY. Our preparations for any eventuality allow us to be flexible enough to change our stance. Defence of our nation, and protecting the way of life our citizens enjoy, is paramount to all in your Government in the halls of Dáil Éireann. There is but a single cause worth fighting for today, and that is our own.

A further perspective from Eamon DeValera , defending a neutrality policy during a world war, in circumstances similar to these : “It is indeed hard for the strong to be just to the weak, but acting justly always has its rewards".

An update of our recent progress is here for your information.


The Motto of The Irish Ranger Wing of Óglaigh na hÉireann

Glaine ár gcroí - (The cleanliness of our hearts)
Neart ár ngéag - (The strength of our limbs)
Agus beart de réir ár mbriathar - (And our commitment to our promise)

First, I wish to personally thank all citizens and organisations whom have supported the War Effort by donating weapons, moving tickets, gold, IEP and other health-related supplies.
Your patriotism and enthusiasm is unprecedented. I will gladly continue to accept further donations

Next, I am pleased to announce that we have established a Super-High-Strength Tank Division, a re-organisation of our Division 15, which will remain on home soil to defend the Irish Citizens in these dark hours.
You may be sure that these soldiers have Irelands defence coded into their DNA and will proudly ensure that your way of life remains unchanged.

Recruitment has swelled our ranks considerably, and many troops have already been provisioned with weapons in the last few days. Further supplies are being sent out by the quartermaster’s team on an ongoing basis. Your collective commitment to roll-call and discipline paid off, your military planners now have full, and current, insight into your readiness as you “stand by your beds”.

Want to see more about IDF? See our recruitment video here:

Want to join IDF? Enlist here

There are a number of new divisions, including Division 21, the bandsmen.
To entertain the Irish, as the Irish like best, with song, battle-drums and full ceremony! We shall not have our spirit drained by world events 😃

Finally, under this heading, the plans for Field Hospitals for the IDF are being completed by General TopGun under his Health Ministers portfolio.


The War Council has worked around the clock to ensure every aspect of national security has been strengthened and adapted to meet the demands of the times.

The War Council includes our current Minister of Defence and his team, 2 former veteran M.o.D’s, high-ranking Generals, political advisors, Ministers for Health, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Industry, and their respective teams. Of course, we are proud and honoured to serve our President Starks with the best quality intelligence, data, strategy, diplomacy and advice that eIreland has to offer, from across the political spectrum. We stand side-by-side, fully committed to each other, to serve and protect YOU, the citizens of Ireland.


No state of high-alert would be relevant without the “suits” as well as the “boots”. All eIrish Congressmen and Ministers have shifted their priorities to give urgency and focus to 3 key areas.

1. Constitutional Amendment to recognise Óglaigh na hÉireann (or Irish Defence Forces) as the single, officially mandated Irish army.
The IVF, and all paramilitary activities, have been nobly discontinued by the leaders, whom have now pledged allegiance to Ireland’s one true army, the IDF. The IDF, in turn, warmly welcomes this surprise development, and the wealth of military experience and leadership talent it has brought back into the fold, for the solid and united defence of Ireland.

2. The Defence of the Republic Act 2009 was recently ratified, to set up a framework for a Provisional Republican Government in the event of Ireland being fully occupied by another sovereign state. This allows us legally implement an agreed set of economic, political and military actions to be carried out by the Provisional Republican Government to discourage continued occupation of the Irish state, if such an event should ever occur.

3. Non-Aggression Pacts, due to their current top-secret status, no further information will be posted here in public domain. These relate to diplomatically negotiated agreements with our neighbours. I would encourage all citizens to exercise their democratic right to view the further detail of these key areas, in the private Irish forums and Dáil Éireann.


I would like to take the opportunity to announce four new and additional Commanding Officer appointments . Salute now:

Captain Flynn1989, a dedicated and brave solider with much overseas experience,
Captain Ninja99, an ambitious, proud and dedicated female soldier, (go girl!)
Captain Ian Arbuckle, a veteran leader of the former IVF and true patriot,
and *drum roll* the much anticipated return of
Captain gordongekko, a veteran tyrant commander with a jaw-dropping disciplinary regime.

May e-God save the IDF souls from these battle-crazed disciplinarians! But, we need them now more than ever. I congratulate you all heartily, Commanders. Your fellow Commanders in existing roles will give you the support and welcome you deserve. (lol)


Many citizens have expressed disappointment with the recent cease-fires in Rhode Island.
May I ask you to remember two things.
Firstly, after the generosity shown by USA in recent games, it would be wrong of us to expect them to distract their high-command with such frivolities whilst they fight off a real enemy in battles. Secondly, we must stop relying on the crack-like-addiction of this crutch to support our economy.

Q1-fun-gun-runs are not appropriate in a time of real war on ANY grounds. They pose too much of a threat to our national security. Full stop.

Instead, I would ask the talented business leaders of Ireland, and the budding entrepreneurs to dig deep into their commercial psyche and collectively re-imagine how our economy can grow by other means. I would invite you into the forums to share your ideas constructively and quickly. The US Ambassador, Mr Stanwick, has also offered his assistance here too.


International relationships have been at the forefront of our strategic operational military planning.

Recently, we have uncovered and flushed out a number of spies from our midsts. Espionage activities are complex in nature, but e-Ireland has the clear advantage.
We are a nation of natural spymasters, (with our history, that should be obvious!) and we have a tight-knit community who participate fully in Ireland life.
New arrivals that are already mature; have no newspapers, no Irish or other friends, and no track record here should expect to meet with full scrutiny from our residents. We know who you are, and we are not stupid.
However, we welcome exiles and travellers who truly wish to become integrated here, and if proven to be true Irish patriots, they will receive a warm welcome.
I would urge all citizens to exercise their discretion in accepting new friends, and do feel free to publicly admonish visitors who question our intelligence. Seriously.

True men of Ireland who are based overseas are now in a special division of our Foreign Legion under General Top Gun. He is in continual communication with those whom have pledged allegiance to the motherland and will return to protect home-soil when required. For this, we thank them.

Ireland has always had a big fat conscience, and a will to help the underdog. Some of you may choose to go overseas. Please remember these facts before you embark on such a journey: Foreign Airports closed for direct flights, jobs in short supply, weapons and food prices varying wildly. Complex arrangements are required for citizens to repatriate. Nations are now suspicious of newcomers; foreign tongues may prevent you from participating fully in life overseas.
Emigration? It’s no holiday, lads.


Lots of poor quality articles, shameless war-profiteering and threatening/ provocative pleas are typical of war, and are arriving every day now. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs, crazy foreigners, disgruntled emigrants and unknown spectators of general low intelligence and poor prose have arrived.
Our domestic standards are much higher than that. LOL. (Don’t they know we are saints and scholars, warrior poets, singers and Club Orange slurpers?)

We shall continue to debate our neutrality, healthily, amongst ourselves as we choose.

Don’t vote up articles that are unpatriotic. You can determine whether self-promoting nonsense stays on the news-stands or not. This is your media, Irish brothers and sisters. You buy the newspapers, you can also throw out the trash.

So, e-Irish citizens. Our national flag is up.
You are either with us, or against us.
If you don’t like the way Ireland is being run, then exercise your democratic rights on election days. But be sure of one thing, that the people you elect are as capable, celtic-hearted , and committed to preserving Ireland as we are today.
Our only goal is to preserve an Irish way of life for the people who wish to remain in Ireland.

Before I sign off, I want to make a special mention to three senior statesmen, without whom the War Council would have been limited in its scope and capacity.

Bryan O’Shea of Foreign Affairs, for his tireless commitment to international diplomacy and professional cool-headedness.
TopGun for a military operations and strategic mind that outstrips ANY I have known before, who works at sound-barrier breaking speed. (How apt, with his fine pedigree)
Brian Boru, High King of the Irish, financial wizard, and a patriot so true that his heart pumps Guinness.
For sharing long nights in the war room, and never losing the head, our theme tune lads:

Finally, for my fellow International Battle Heroes (sssshh, our secret club) I thank you for all of your interest in my continuing health and wellbeing ;0)

And for anyone who thinks a woman running an army may be a mistake? I leave you my seal:

(To the lads, you know it's coming...*mwah😉
Colonel Gráinne Ni Mhaille
Chief of Staff
Military Operations Lead of the Irish War Council
IDF, Óglaigh na hÉireann,