Thank You Wisconsin (Updated As Of 3/30/09)

Day 464, 23:39 Published in USA USA by john woodman
UPDATED AS OF 3/30/09:
Thank you Wisconsin for choosing me to represent YOU for a second term. I would like to thank Thomas. Anderson and Dazzle McBeefmeat for the great race and the supports they gave me after the election. As we all know, resistance war will be started later today. I encourage citizens of Wisconsin to move to Florida/New Jersey to received the benefit of q5 hospitals. For more information, look at Share My Wealth Section. Currently, I have a total of 9 gold available (4 gold left from last term + 5 gold won this term) to sponsor moving tickets to citizen of Wisconsin. Simply comment and you will receive it. Terms and Conditions apply.***
Also, voting updates will be released on bi-weekly basis instead of weekly now due to my busy RL schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

/End of Update

People of Wisconsin, I know it's a bit late but its better to be late than never.

Thank You
First of all, thank you Wisconsin for choosing me to represent YOU in congress. Most importantly, thank you for voting no matter who you voted for.
I also would like to thank Ansen for encouraging me to run for congress; NoneSuch for letting me run under UIP banner; Leaderrr for the wonderful race; Cstarlight21, shoepuck, Joshua Hoss and Loftedraptor for using their precious shouts helping me in campaigning; ICCCR for endorsing me and everyone who supported me. (it's a long list, I apologize if I did not mention your name.)
note: The names I mentioned above supported me as individual, they are not affiliated with any political party or military.

Share my wealth
As you all know, winning congress entitled me 5 gold. I would like to give it back to Wisconsin citizens. As you can see, we will most probably have a war soon. In the event of war, I would like to encourage you to move to Florida, a region that has a Q5 hospital which gives you a 50 wellness boost so you get the maximum benefit from your fights. That means you can fight 5 times a day and that would get you 10 xp! So here's what I plan to do, I will use up the 5 gold to buy moving tickets sponsoring Wisconsin citizens to fight in Florida.

I would recommend this article on how to fight to everyone.

How to get it.***
1. Live in Wisconsin now.
2. Wisconsin citizens who comment on this article get it (While stock last).
3. One ticket per citizen.

Tickets sent

Voting Records
I will be transparent regarding my voting records. I will publish voting records on Fridays starting next Friday, I will add the reason why I voted for a proposal and I would also tell you what I have done that week.

Contact Me
Wisconsin citizens! Feel free to ask me if you have any doubts, questions or you need me to be your spokesman. I encourage you to give me your input on proposals. Who knows, you might influence my vote on that particular proposal!

I would also like to encourage ecitizen of Wisconsin to vote and subscribe this paper as I will use it to update my voting records.
Feel free to vote and subscribe to me if you like this.

John Woodman
Congressman of Wisconsin

credit: thanks to Loftedraptor for helping me in proofreading.