Squatting and Pounding Sand

Day 4,880, 17:42 Published in USA USA by Trite of the northern Penguins

quick fix needed to remedy hazard of tripping

adapting what is at hand to create a workable path devoid of the hazards

that and imported sand

Literally, it was squatting, placing a brick and pounding sand to create a sound foundation to support the bricks, which lock together nicely with the asphalt patio on one side and the Magnolia's root that usurped the former border on the other side of the walk.

the meta-game approach has decayed to the point of the first photo; far from prefect with plenty of compromises made for the purpose of the repair, the second photo supports the notion of a new walk, to move forward locked together in purpose rather than a jagged usurped rabble.

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