Problem => solution

Day 1,560, 10:01 Published in Hungary Hungary by clawy

Problem: people do not spend money on gold anymore like they did

Reason: the world is bipolar. One alliance is uber-dominant, contains most countries in the world. This alliance also used to spend most RL money. Since it is so dominant, it has to spend money only very seldom, not like before.
Other alliance is basically without congress for each member, is lead by people with the military knowledge of a chipmunk and the diplomacy skills of a dead dolphin. Basically it has no chance of ever coming back, as nobody would ever switch sides under such conditions to balance things out. People have no desire to spend RL money, as they can not obtain sustainable victories anyhow.

Possible solutions:
a) introduce extra protection for original territories of countries. Make the victories of weak alliance count very much and hard to reset => allow weak alliance to target weaker members of strong alliance this way => lead to conflicts within strong alliance (done before, and it worked)
b) re-balance resource resource distribution so strong alliance can not obtain a fair share => lead to conflicts within strong alliance (done before, and it worked)
c) limit number of MPPs, make too many MPPs constly, remove advantages for fighting for more countries/introduce advantages for fighting for allies only => make fighting system so one sided, that you have to spend extra money even when you are much stronger to really obtain anything (done before, and it worked)
d) allow strong alliance to be even more dominant, force them to spend RL money in order to obtain even bigger victories (not that I would prefer it, but hey)
e) come up with something that will cost each player in the game some gold, if they want to stay competitive

Chosen solution: e)