PQ's Big Black Books -- An Introduction

Day 4,971, 18:06 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn
PQ's Big Black Books -- An Introduction

No: 49 Day: 4972-ish

Esteemed readers,

Today is an auspicious one in the annals of Radio Free Dixie!!

As we approach our 50th Issue, we're tickled pink to announce that a remarkable literary and sociological discovery has been made. Doubters said they never existed. That they've never been seen before. That it's a hoax.

But it'snow hoax!

Soon to be available exclusively here on your favorite pirate radio station -- Radio Free Dixie -- where resistance to occupation and imperialism is our way of life, we'll soon be publishing excerpts from the not so little Black Books of Phoenix Quinn!!

Yes! Yes, friends, comrades, rebel citizens and animated characters of all persuasions. YES!!


Here's how it happened...

Just last week, Underground Jimmy Cincinnati's Yellow Socialist Submarine was making a covert supply drop. Delivering to a Bear Cavalry unit organizing resistance warfare from a liberated zone deep in the Florida Everglades, south of Lake Okeechobee, the SFP submariner crew dropped off not only a tasty supply of fresh Caribbean ice cream, but something else altogether unexpected!

As you know, Bear Cavalry resistance units swim like fish in the sea of the people and move through the forests and swamps like silent but deadly sentinels of socialist freedom. This unit is supported by local Seminoles who have a long history of fighting occupation themselves. They've never signed a peace treaty with British, Spanish or American colonizers. And they have no intention of signing one with Croat, Chilean or Greek imperialists either.

For reasons too complicated to explain right now, the local resistance support community in the Everglades also includes a looose network of Phish fans who have sentimental connections to the Seminole territory in Florida.

The fine folk and fierce fighters in the Seminole-controlled liberated zone welcomed the socialist submarine crew. As regular readers know, many sensible comrades and SFP stans thought this sub had been lost in the mists of e-time until (as reported here in a previous broadcast) it was spotted recently delivering the goods to resistance fighters along the Gulf Coast.

After getting a tour of the famed vessel by the ship's legendary skipper, some not-so-slack local Phish stans graciously offered to do a thorough cleaning of the tiny saffron-colored sub.

Which, as we've heard it, was long overdue. To be frank. (No offense, Frank.) They say the sub stunk something fierce of Mexican skunk.

Despite bigger plans, the freedom-socialist submarine corps has only ever had the one vessel. It was donated to the Party by Ringo, of course. Such a mensch. In fact the socialist submariner corps was commissioned by the fabled first commander of the Bear Cavalry, Fallback Pants, way back in Version One.

So you see, my dear kumpels and kumpelkas, the vessel has been in operation for a long time. Like 10 years in people years. Which is like, what?, 120 years in eRep time, right?

Not ones to be faffing around, those busy-bee early days comrades of the SFP and Bear Cavalry used it to build up a vast undersea library, safe from the depridations of degenerate capitalist swine and other no-good-niks. Sweet as, the library was gifted to the pirate gang the freedom socialists from a stralian comrade. Supposedly, it's located woop woop deep under the Coral Sea, northeast of Queensland. Basically en route to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. Not too far from the Great Barrier Reef.

Many of the tomes stored there were written by Phoenix Quinn, who -- not to be judgmental -- may have had few kangaroos loose in the top paddock if you catch my drift, or possibly may have been barking mad. Nevertheless. In any case. He was a prolific and polished windbag, both on paper and in person.

Later, the plucky little socialist sub with a groovy Sixties pop vibe was used to manage the SFP's secret trade routes between e-Mexico, e-Columbia and e-USA. (Yes, it's true, the comrades did seem to have voracious appetites for... ummm... well... Let's say. For authentic tacos and buñuelos. Yeah. That's the ticket.)

That was about the e-time when distinguished Skipper J. Cincinnati started using the vessel. We've since learned that when Jimmy quit the New World, he set course for parts unknown.

Then the weather started getting rough. The tiny sub was tossed. In terrible storm the ship was almost lost. It set ground on the shore of an unchartered desert isle, evidently with some silly goofball named Gilligan aboard, the Skipper too (of course), and also a millionaire who'd hitched a ride along with his wife, Karen, plus a porn star named Putaine Vergas, and Professor Quinn and his old space-faring friend and longtime companion, Bill Galaxia.

If not for the courage of that fearless crew, people say the Yellow Socialist Submarine would certainly have been lost.

Rare photo of Jimmy Cincinnati and Phoenix Quinn dissipating into the mists of time.

As it happens, it was this very same yellow submarine, still skippered by Chairman Cincinnatti, that rescued me -- RF Williams -- from the long-defunct undersea SFP library a few years back, some time after Jimmy C and PQ had vanished into the moist haze of the e-spacetime continuum.

Prior to my own mysterious and unexplained re-entry into the New World, I'd spent just short of a year isolated in that musty old abandoned undersea library, with only a huge pile of old Q1 food rations to eat. For reasons I didn't quite fathom at the time, I'd been obsessively fishing for, reading, marking up and then cataloging all of PQ's works that I could find.

When Comrade-Skipper Jimmy'd showed up to give me a ride back into the world, I'd grabbed as many boxes of PQ's notebooks as I could.

I thought I'd retrieved them all from the vessel when JC'd dropped me off in Seattle before disappearing once more into the wine dark sea...

Anyhoo. Long story short. Evidently some of the boxes'd been left on the sub.

In Seminole culture it is said that first animal put upon the Earth by the Creator was a panther. When our Phishy contacts in the resistance community'd informed us here at RFD HQ that the storied "Black Books" -- PQ's first, most daring, most dangerous, most powerful writings about the New World -- had been found on board the sub, we felt much like Seminole children must feel, wonderstruck with both delight and a sense of great drama upon learning of the fierce beauty of life's origins.

And I must say. Given the difficult situation we're in. What with the Croat bastards everywhere, and their little imperial-colonialist minions and whatnot. It was not easy-peasy moving multiple large-volume handwritten books intact safely to our offices, now located at [a secret location NOT in Poland!!].

Then of course we had to transcribe the damn things. So that took some time too. Y'know, PQ was not known for the quality of his penmanship.

But good news, gang! We may be castaway ziomeki stuck in the land of kielbasa and pierogi. (Or NOT.). But everything's going to be wporzo, you'll see. 'Cause, cuz, these texts are now ready for publication!

As you delve into PQ's Black Books, a word or two of caution may be in order.

It's not clear what motivated PQ to write the "Black Book" notebooks. You put your right mind in, you take your right mind out. You shake it all about. It's not clear what they're all about.

They're rather different from much of the didactic, pedagogical, poetic, humorous, political and psychological stuff we've seen in his other Notebooks, or stuff that was published during his e-lifetime.

Some of our analysts believe The Black Books may be his dream journals. Others think this could be PQ's early attempts to develop a mythology, a la Joseph Campbell or some shit, that would be suitable for the New World.

No doubt, given Young PQ's typical modus operandi, they are likely to be, at some level, some kind of cut-up pastiche, perhaps from an obscure writer or artist. Who knows? When it comes to PQ-centered literary analysis, it's a JUNGle out there!

Feels a bit like Nietzsche maybe? But it'snot.

In any case, we are pleased as punch to be able to present The Black Books of Phoenix Quinn and we hope you will enjoy this series!!

Please remember to click the Like button and subscribe to this channel!!!

Oh. Hey there. In the meantime. While you're not just waiting around for the next broadcast from RFD. Or not studying with delight these amazing seminal works from one of the New World's most profound dingbats.

Why not go f*ck up some Asterian training wars? For example, the Bear Cavalry has a HAVOC program going on. Check in with them to see about coordinating and strengthening acts of patriotic resistance sabotage.

To quote Colin Lantrip 3: "You don’t have to be the strongest country to win. You just have to be such a pain in the ass to mess with, that people don’t."