New nails, Thanksgiving edition

Day 2,200, 07:44 Published in Croatia North Korea by Zljun Dar

Good morning, good day, good after noon.

This is special edition of my newspapers made in honor of my 4 month
campaign in USA.
Today is Thanksgiving day and I wish to thank you all my American friends
for all your support and help while I was your e-citizen.

All that said, I want to show you my newly painted fingernails. 🙂
I know they are a little childish, but hey, it is all hand made by humble
me. 😉

and left

Happy Thanksgiving day to you all.

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Thanksgiving nails

Croatian summary - sažetak na hrvatskom

Ovim člankom pozdravljam prijatelje Amerikance i čestitam im
Dan Zahvalnosti.
Neznam da li znate, ali bila sam u Americi neko vrijeme.
Pa eto, ovako im kažem "hvala" 🙂

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