NEW erepublik... Back to v1 ( change the date 1615 of the New World )

Day 1,612, 09:35 Published in USA Croatia by Rebelsy


NEW erepublik ... BACK TO V1 ... change the date 1615 of the New World

... excited as you are, finally. With the announced changes I'm sure that there wil be less and less images like these ...


We return to the V1.

In expectation of new pictures for now, I can confirm it was definitely decided TO GO BACK TO V1 war module. Wellnes limitation regardless of bought Gold, extensions and tactics are only a fraction of what is coming. Your impact on the battle once again becomes evident, the organization of military units becomes a necessity ... V1


Only now when they have tried the last details of the beta version, Admin is introducing a new long-awaited economic module. 5 Resources for Food, 5 resources for weapons. Economics for connoisseurs and those who prefer to spend a few hours in front of the screen.


Already proven way of training remains. Click or two are enough for you to complete it, to train.


Return of ejournalism is just a drop, which completes the incoming.

Letters in several sizes, freedom of of designing pictures, publication of articles and clearly visible top 10 articles on the front page whenever you turn on your favorite game.

Finally they would say, but all this is just a long path that the erepublik team had to go through in order to create a game for connosseurs. Do everything in minutes, or enjoy in hours of strategy that comes, depends only on you and your free time.

(click on the link for better view)

Link to publication of a new module that comes as of 1615 eRepublik time

Until new information and pictures that will soon come, I greet you all.

Rebelsy News; as a contestant on a beauty contest I can only say;
I AM FOR PEACE in eWorld and for salvation of dolphins


back to V1, Day 1615 of the New World
