Game Over for meta lovers

Day 4,204, 03:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grogu.

In my last article I asked Uk to vote today, But I got it wrong you cant vote we have been wiped.

How does this affect you?

Well the UK Elite are nothing more than thieves , stealing your congress gold, stealing democracy and stealing eUK business.

This is all true , check out the UK job market, their is none. Business are now handicapped you cant recruit staff.

They have been stealing votes since the game began, they have always been robbing you blind, maybe you take a blind eye as they are on your so called side,but over the next few weeks I will be going though ever party using tools to work out who is real and who is fake , I will check every single account in a party or out , it will be a tough job but I will expose the eUK for what it really is

The biggest cheats in the game

I wouldnt be surprises if they set up parties by getting their own multis banned this is the madness of these Elites.

Stay in tuned,

I run the media here from now, The truth cant be silence.

Many of you have been hoodwinked
