Final countdown.

Day 1,569, 14:36 Published in Hungary Hungary by clawy

This house change, at least for me, filled the glass.

I spent another 40 gold on 2 houses (I had that much local currency, which thanks to another great change I could never exchange anyhow).

The biggest rip-off in all of this is that some people clearly know about this change before, as the prices of houses jumped up in the last days already.

So for 117 days, I have extra health.

If until that moment the game does not change into something playable, in which somebody like me, playing for 3,5 years can have fun and stay competitive (stupid BH hunting is not what I consider fun), and if eRepublik employees do not sign confidentiality clauses to avoid such situations, I am out of here.
Even sooner, if further water is added to that glass.

I do not have to play this game to come to the meetings, the last fun part in all of this. Claudia from Spain proved that on 19th of August in Budapest.