eIrelander Gazette - Issue XXVII - Day 5,711

Day 5,711, 15:42 Published in Ireland Republic of China (Taiwan) by Irish Community Fund

Dear people of ireland, hello!

It is with great pleasure, that i announce to you that our Irish Community News agency has returned, and we will keep informing our community on new events, new updates in the game, of upcoming quests and of new state-funded lotteries and games that will come up (with proper planning) in the near future.

In the meantime, you might ask us :
What has happened between the days 5,570 and 5,711 of erepublik?

Well, many things.

First of all, we had good organization and happiness in our community, stability and growth in our economy and order in our military aspects, (especially in our TW agreements), thanks to the good people of the Eire Aonair party, people such as :
Fenoglioteam, Armanych, Oh damn, Flaco himenez, BiednyMis, Lanyislost, Padraig, Lighthouser, and many more, but also including our good CP, mr Nerusia, who keeps working hard for the good of our e-nation!

I should also congratulate the good people of noble parties such as the Irish Freedom Party (IFP), the Irish Kindness Party (IKP) and the Chiller Crew, who are among us to help the irish community as much as they can.

We also had a newcomer in our political parties : its the United Citizens of eIreland, a new party founded by our well-known irishman, mr King Trito Fisher, an energetic and unique person in our ranks, who will also be assisting us in state affairs in the Ministry of Education and in Community Events too.

As it stands, for the month of July, the party rankings are :

1) Eire Aonair (EA)
2) Independent Labour Party (ILP)
3) Irish Freedom Party (IFP)
4) Irish Kindness Party (IKP)
5) United Citizens of eIreland (UCEI)
6) Chiller Crew (CC)

And so, we will wait and see whats coming up in the next days and weeks here in ireland.

Until then, lets keep Ireland strong and united!

With my regards,
-Chris Jonadicus, Minister of Education.